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Ivy knew that when she took the challenge of helping Spencer overcome his addiction that it was going to be a big pill to swallow.

He was gradually getting better. Despite the angry outbursts, vomiting, shaking and sweating.

Today is the first case where the physical effects start to subside...

The two young doctors of the bau enter the bull pen, each armoured with a cup full of coffee "Okay. So, I was thinking you could try and cook tonight, maybe we'll get a lil cooking lesson going on?" Ivy proposes. Spencer furrows his brows "i don't know about that ives, I should really be getting back home" right...home. "Call it a going away meal then. I'll make a dessert of your choice" she grins through the bitter feeling that fills her stomach "fine!" He alas agrees.

The team settle into the round table room as Jj presents the case about a serial killer in New Orleans pre-Katrina "until now, the New Orleans police department believed the serial killer died in the storm" jj explains, slightly pacing the room "and what's happened to tell them otherwise?" Morgan asks, cradling his cup of coffee "a fourth body was found in the French Quater last night, same M.O another male" jj uses the remote to display gruesome photos on the screen.

The team soon realise that al they have to go off of is the latest victim, back to square 1.

On the jet, Ivy sits opposite Emily "a little Jack the Rippery, no?" Ivy whispers, her gold framed glasses perched on the end of her nose as she peers over her file "what's it with you and slashed throats?" Emily chuckles, raising her eyebrows "just reminds me of Jack the Ripper" she states before turning in her chair.

"Hey Spence, theories on what happened to Jack the Ripper?" She asks, knowing he'll have an answer "apparently he was found floating in the river Thames on the 30th of December 1888, some say he ran away to America though" Spencer's eyes are dead still as he says this, worrying Ivy "Spence, what's going on in that brain of yours?" She questions with worry
"Just thinking of an old friend of mine, from Las Vegas— ethan. I'm pretty sure he lives in New Orleans now. We grew up competing against each-other, both had our hearts set on joining the bureau, he dropped out on his first day"
"Probably couldn't take the heat" Emily says from her chair "it's not really for us to judge, is it?" He spits.

The French court is bustling with people as Derek Morgan, Jason Gideon, Ivory Curtis and Jennifer Jareau duck under the police tape, instantly greeted by a man in a pale orange shirt "you must be bau, bill lamontangue" he introduces himself with a hand shake "hi, Jennifer Jareau. We spoke on the phone. Uh, these are agents Gideon and Morgan as well as Dr Ivory Curtis" she points to the three.
"A little young to be a doctor, don't you think?" Lamontangue says in his southern drawl "every duo has to have brains" she points to herself "and beauty" she points to jj. He nods "You're right" he agrees, with a wink to Jj.

The four head into the precinct "oh my god, he fancies you, like...the looks he gives you— Jesus Christ" Ivy beams, walking beside Jj
"Oh hush" jj laughs, running a hand through her hair "no! I won't hush, sexy accent, caring, smart, family man— ticks every single box of yo-"
"- Ivy, we need your linguistical magic!" Emily calls from beside Spencer.

After analysing the letter, and concluding that the unsub is a woman. Ivy decides to drag Spencer along to get coffee. The two walk side by side to a local coffee shop "so, did you call your friend?" She inquires, shuffling her feet against the dark stained wood of the coffee shop floor. Spencer hands a few bills over to the barista "yeah, we're going to meet up. Maybe have a coffee or something" Spencer reply's before the two gravitate towards two seats "Cool, yeah. Let me know if you need picking up after, or anything." Spencer notices Ivy's flat demeanour "what's wrong with you?" He asks, handing her, her cappuccino. She swallows her breath, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear "I'm just worrying, you know me" she explains, a rather bad explanation "listen, Ivory, I know you better than you know yourself, you're clearly hiding something from me" he says in a quiet tone, leaning forward in his seat "it's nothing, just the case" she gives him yet another bad excuse "Ives, Cmon" Spencer coaxes "fine. There's actually a few things. One, what's with you and Emily and two, I've been offered a job at Interpol, heading up a task force"
"I thought you already turned them down last year"
"I did, I did, Clive's just very...persistent, if you will"
"You're thinking about taking it, aren't you?"
"No, yes, maybe— I don't know. Life's just getting back on track now and I have a house and friends"
"What could Interpol offer you that the bureau can't?"
"More money and exciting opportunities"
"You can't put a price on me...can you?"

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