Fear and loathing

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Tw: addictions, suicide, death, overdose, racism, hate crime, case stuff, crying

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Tw: addictions, suicide, death, overdose, racism, hate crime, case stuff, crying.

The past two weeks had been filled with a lot of night terrors, verbally aggressive outbreaks, tears and apologies. Ivory had embroidered a small trex holding a book, that she insisted was a copy of war and peace onto the sweater vest which lightened the mood slightly, she also played more games of chess, poker, cards, monopoly and pretty much any board games than she had in her whole entire life, most of which Spencer won...she definitely let him though...right? Spencer had been acting off though, regular bathroom breaks and on some occasions he'd go hours on end sitting alone in his room or in the conservatory reading. She knows the kid likes reading but that's taking the biscuit slightly. He'd also been throwing up a lot, she figured it was the shock/ptsd but after if carried on into the second week Ivy wasn't so convinced. Spencer has also always been a heavy sleeper but now he'd sleep uninterrupted for 8+ hours and still needing caffeine afterwards, he also is constantly drinking, coffee, tea or water and had an overly scratchy throat. Tell tail signs of opioid addiction. Something she's planning on speaking to him about tonight.

"Spencie" Ivory sang as she drummed her hands against the work top of the bau's kitchenette "yes?" He replied loading sugar into his cup, missing as his hands shook violently. She grabbed a paper towel "scooch back over to your desk I'll bring it over for you" she more demands then offers as she scrapes the sugar off of the tile "it's fine Ivory. I'm not totally incompetent." He spits before waking off.

Ivory Curtis rolls up the sleeves of her shirt before begging to scribble down notes as Jj talks "Sandra Davis, 16 years old. Her and her on again off again boyfriend Ken Newcomen, their bodies were found in a park near the male victims car in Groton, an affluent mostly white suburb of New York City in West-Chester county. It's the third of the three killings believed to be a series of hate crimes."
Emily speaks up "hate crimes?" She asks
"First two victims were Keisha Andrews, 15, and Vickie Williams, 17. They disappeared from their homes in central West-Chester one night, their bodies were found in a wooded area in a southern part of the county near the city" hotch explains
"Jesus Christ, what kind of sick joke is that?"emily asks "the swastika is not only an emblem for the aryan race but it also has significantly better representation in Hinduism. Hitler was also a massive hypocrite" Ivy points out.

Ivy knew that she should raise her concerns surrounding her suspicions to either Gideon or Hotch. She also knew that these concerns if raised could have a detrimental effect on his career and well being. So she took the task upon herself. She'd already done a fair amount of research on opioids and their effects since her mother's passing, but this time she focused solely on the long term effects, what to do if someone accidentally or purposefully overdosed and how to help someone with an addiction take their steps to recovery, she also had an entire speech on why he shouldn't 'shoot up' again.

She payed close attention to Spencer that whole day. Monitoring how his body language would change from being tense to relaxed and how he wasn't really focused on the case, the only time she could fully focus was when he was in her eye line. He appeared to be having flashbacks, based off of the tensing of his muscles when any crime scene photos were shown or the team mentioned how the unsub sometimes used a date rape drug.

Ivy sits in the cosy deep purple arm chair in-front of the Davis family "she just disappeared that night. I know she must have just walked out the front door, but I thought we'd hear that" mrs Davis explains
"What about the window in your daughters bedroom, does that give her enough access to sneak out?" Ivory asks
"She couldn't of climbed out there. It's been painted shut for years" her father explains, a firm grip on his wife's hands "no it hasn't" a girl who has appeared in the door way counteracts "what are talking about, bree?" The father asks "I fixed it, so I could get out" she confesses "you've been sneaking out in the middle of the night?" The mother asks
"I'm sorry" the girl apologises
"You're not in trouble, but just tell us. Did she sneak out before?" Mr Davis asks his daughter
"No, I swear. She always told me not to do it" Ivy takes a sip of her coffee the mother had fixed for her earlier, the family made her heart glow slightly, especially at how they didn't scream at their daughter for her 'rebellious act' they simply used it to their advantage, they reminded her of her own parents "she was the good one" the daughter adds. Ivy glances around the room, multiple music and choir certificates with Sandra's name across them, not her sisters "your daughter liked to sing?"

"I've found a possible connection with the victims" Ivy begins facing her tired looking team who were astounded by her level of energy "they were all interested in music. Singing lessons, band, choir you name it they are doing it. This ruse is so common the 'hey, You're really pretty you should be a model... I actually am a photographer... stop by my studio and I'll help you get into the biz' kind of thing but instead he could be offering them an album, possibly even a record deal"

"What's the problem?" Hotch asks the mayor who rudely interrupted Gideon's profile giving "well, the problem is, I would have to be crazy to release this profile to the public." The mayor scoffs "what are you talking about?" Morgan asks, definitely squaring up to the guy "reverend Williams has already stirred up enough trouble by choosing to make this town a soap box for his anti racism campaign" the mayor explains "sir, I can assure you the fbi is working as hard as possible to ensure the safety of your town, if you'll follow me I'll walk you through it" Ivy offers
"Finally someone who makes some sense" the man walks by Ivy's side to the small table the bau had stole mouthing to the team on her way 'so help me god'

"In the past two years the bau has taken down over 38 serial killers, rapists and terrorists. The man out there has taken down some of the world most dangerous criminals bringing peace across towns like yours. I myself would put my life in the hands of any of these cops or agents if they're equipped with an accurate profile"

Thank god that case was over. Ivy breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped off the bau jet and then she remembered what she had to do "hey Spence, dinner at my house tonight no objections" she ordered.

The two sat either side of the dining table, soft candle light flickering patterns across their faces and up the walls "Spencer, I need to talk to you about something and I can't promise it's going to be a comfortable conversation"
"Go on"
"Well, do you remember a case you worked in July of 2003? A friend of Gideon and Hotch had died but they ruled out murder, it was a overdose?"
"Not really.."
"Her name was rosemary and she had a daughter and her um...ahem...she was a trauma surgeon at Bethesda general?"
"Yes, it rings a bell, why'd you ask?" Spencer knows exactly why she's asking.
"Well, you'll remember that her drug of choice was dilauded, she'd stolen it from the hospital and overdosed in her bathroom"
"I told you already Ivy. I remember the case."
"Spence, I know what you're going through, I know what's happening and I can't let you do this to yourself-"
"I'm fine Ivy. What's the point of the whole story?"
"That...that was my mum, they used her maiden name Rosemary Thomas...I was the daughter...I called Gideon and Hotch. My point is, I'm not going to watch you slowly kill yourself, if you choose to accept it I could like to help you, Spence. I've looked into it, I can slowly ween you off the drugs or you can go cold turkey, more extreme but will get it over and done with"
"I know you may see this as a charity case or whatever, but I can't break the news to your mum about how I found her son dead on the bathroom floor. I can't watch her go through that. I can't watch you loose yourself, because your the person I hold dearest in this world and If I loose you I loose myself"

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