Malaysia and Indo aren't on good terms as of now, because of Indo's grave mistake. They both know that they have a high chance of dying in this forest, but they are willing to take the chance to save Philip.

Before going on their separate ways once again, they bought had the same thought. They both turned to each other slowly. 'Do you think....' 'She's here?'

The two gulps at the fact that, Bela would kill them if anything bad happens to Philip. Bela is one of Phil's closest friends, and she's very protective over him. 'Oh sh**....' They both cuss in annoyance.

'What the hell would Mrs. France and the others say?!' The two of them went on their separate ways, continuing their journey to find Philip.

On the other side, the news had already reached UK, and Mrs. France. They told the families of the children to keep quiet about the situation. Instead of making the news public, they chose to keep it a secret to only a few people.

France sips her 8th glass of wine for the day. France is extremely unhappy with her husband. 'Uk! We've lost three! Three! They are still not back!' 'UK, what are we going to do?! We can't possibly just WAIT!' 'They are going to die there!' UK is getting more and more stressed by each day. Asean is going to visit soon, and Phil is still nowhere to be found.

'And why the hell did we let America back?! We should've taken zeal!'

UK sits on a chair while covering his face with his hand. He abruptly stands up, then slams his hands on the table, loudly. This made France shut their mouth and stop babbling.

'I know! I know, France! It's terrible!'

'I don't know what to do.... It's been years! We can't go in and command them to find Philip and the others! They don't respect us anymore! They will kill us! We can't do the same thing when America ran off to the forest just for fun! I don't know what to f*cking do! Asean is going to kill me when he finds out that his favorite son is gone!'

UK clenches his fists, he feels so powerless... He doesn't know what to do, he's at lost...

France puts down her glass of wine,  she feels bad for her husband. She feels like a terrible wife, instead of comforting her husband and telling him that it's not his fault, she stressed him out even more by shouting day and night.

She went up to er husband to pat him on the back. 'There, there, UK.... I'm sorry..' 'It's not your fault....' 'You're right.... The only thing we can do is to 'ope that they will be okay....' France hugs her husband to comfort him. UK feels so powerless. After so many years, he finally cracks and sheds tears.

'I'm sorry.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry Philippines Indonesia... Malaysia...'

Tears can't stop falling from his eyes. He feels so bad about not being able to do anything. Him crying and saying sorry is basically saying that he's given up all hope that they would beer come out of the forest alive.... It's as if he's grieving them already, even though they don't know if they are still alive or not.


Phil stands still as he takes a look at the beautiful view in front of him. He can't wander off somewhere, since he has a rope tied around his waist. The end of the rope is tightly held and wrapped around Forget me not's wrist. Forget me not tied the rope tightly around Phil's waist, but not supper tight that could make Phil uncomfortable.

Phil snaps out of his trance when the man throws an avocado at him. 'Oi, soybean-' Philip cuts him off. 'I'm sorry, forget me not, but I can't eat avocados' Phil can't help but smile awkwardly since he doesn't know what to say next. 'It's not for you, soybean. It's for me. This banana is for you. I gave you the avocado so you can cut it open' The man explains. The man seems to want to throw the knife at Phil, but he decided not to since he knows Phil isn't capable of catching it without hurting himself.

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