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[mokyo - nights like these]

[11:38pm, Y/N'S POV]

A typical Friday afternoon, Myung-hwan working on his different beats, and me, waiting behind him to ask to listen to them. I loved how he always asked me to listen or give feedback. I'd never really give him criticism, he knows a lot more than I do so It'd be hypocritical for me to ask him to change something. By this time his friends have already left. My eyes were starting to feel heavy as I laid my head back onto the couch. I don't know why I'm so sleepy, I usually stay up late with him until he's done. I played with my phone, trying to distract myself from falling asleep. I scrolled through Instagram, looking at newly posted pictures from friends and family. As I was distracted by a post, I felt Kyobi hop onto my lap. I felt like Kyobi knew I was sleepy and tried to wake me up. I couldn't help but put my phone down and play with Kyobi. Kyobi's purr seemed to be so loud that Myung-hwan turned around.

Myung-hwan: "Kyobi~"

When he said that, Kyobi's head turned to him, leaped off my lap, and over to his desk.

Y/N: "Kyobi you traitor"

I joked, as I glared at them. But how could I resist that face:

  I put my feet up on the couch , getting comfortable again

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I put my feet up on the couch , getting comfortable again. I hugged myself and turned my head towards them once more until my eyes got too heavy.

 I hugged myself and turned my head towards them once more until my eyes got too heavy

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[Myung-hwan's POV]

I played with Kyobi for a small while until I made some small talk with y/n about my most recent beats and how much they've changed throughout the years. I continued talking until I realized that she wasn't responding back like her usual self. I placed my headphones onto the table and turned my chair to her direction. There she laid, peacefully sleeping on the couch. Just a minute ago she was awake and all of a sudden she's asleep. I don't blame her, it was pretty late. I grabbed a throw blanket I had on my chair and gently placed it on her, making sure not to wake her up. But I failed, as soon as I was about to walk away I heard a small voice.

Y/N: "Is it time to go?"

She said that as she rubbed her eyes about to get up from her sleeping position.

Myung-hwan: "No no, go back to sleep, I was just making sure to stayed warm"

She latched her hand onto one of my fingers.

Y/N: "Come lay down with me for a little bit, you've been sitting down all day, don't over work yourself Myungie"

How could I say no to her, she was right. I've been working nonstop these past few days that I haven't really had time to actually spend time with her. Looking back at it now, I feel bad, I've probably been worrying her.

Myung-hwan: "Of course darling, scooch over a little bit"

I proceeded to hover over her and lay next to her, wrapping my arm around her and pulling her closer to my chest. She turned to me and placed her head onto my chest, my chin resting on top of her head. He listened to my heartbeat as I brushed my fingers through her hair. I hummed small song until she spoke.

Y/N: "Are you going to be busy tomorrow also?"

Myung-hwan: "I don't think so, do you want to go out together tomorrow?"

Y/N: "I'd love to"

Her smile didn't compare to anything I've ever seen. Her smile made me smile, especially when it's because of me. She reminded me of my mother, caring, kind. How worried she'd get when I'd worked too much. I kissed her forehead before saying one last thing.

"It's nights like these I adore the most with you"

(Sorry for the short story~ I'm sleeped deprived lol forgive me)

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