"Well, let us know when you come up with your answer" Yumeno-san said in her usual sleepy tone

"I will" with that, I waved goodbye and headed towards my next class


"Saihara-kun?" Yonaga-san questioned me

"Hm? Yes, Yonaga-san?"

"Atua has asked me to ask you if you're participating in this year's chess tournament."

"Oh, really? He has." I scratched my neck nervously

"Yes, indeed! So, are you?"

"Um, I'm not sure"

"My my, Atua is disappointed in your answer, but encourages you to participate this year!" Angie exclaimed

"Ah, okay. I'll think about it"

"Atua will be happy to hear your answer soon!" With that, Yonaga-san walked away from me

Unexpectedly, Momota-kun walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. 

"Hey, is it just me or is that Angie girl getting creepier everyday?" Momota-kun said

"Um, I don't know" I said

"Anyways, are you joining this year's chess tournament?" He asked

"That's exactly what Yonaga-san asked me moments ago" I said

"Well, you know Amami-kun right? Well, he told me that this kid named Oma-kun is participating in this year's chess tournament. Amami-kun said he's pretty good, too."


"Yeah, sidekick. Maybe you should participate so you guys can face each other in a match."

"S-Sure, I might join."

"Great, well, let me know when you have an answer!"

With that, Momota-kun left.


Shuichi P.O.V

I decided to sign up for this year's chess tournament. After I told everyone that I had decided to join, they stopped bugging me. 

Well, I'm playing my third match. There are seven in total for each player. This is going to be a long afternoon.

I spotted Momota-kun hanging out with, I'm guessing, Amami-kun. Right next to Amami-kun, was a small figure with purple gravity-defying hair. I decided to walk up to them after the match was over.

I got the chance to hang out with them for about an hour. Turns out, the small figure was Oma-kun, the person Momota-kun mentioned to me earlier this week.

Finals will be held after my sixth match. From what I can see, there is a chance I might face Oma-kun in the finals.

Third Person P.O.V 

When the seventh match was about to start. A girl told both Oma-kun and Saihara-kun that they would be facing each other in the final match. 

When the match began it seemed thrilling for both boys to compete against each other. While Oma-kun heard that Saihara-kun has some skill in playing this game, Saihara-kun had heard that Oma-kun was pretty good at playing chess as well. 

An hour had passed since the match began. Saihara-kun was getting tired, so was Oma-kun. Thirty minutes had passed, still, no winner. Ten minutes had passed and still no winner. It became evident that the two were on the same level as the other. So even if they tried harder than usual at playing the game, no one would win unless someone forfeited. 

Saihara-kun was about to fall asleep, it was late and he wanted to go home. Oma-kun felt the same as Saihara-kun. 

Eventually Saihara-kun forfeited and Oma-kun won because of this. But being as stubborn as he always is, Oma-kun didn't accept this victory. While Saihara was exiting the building, Oma-kun ran after him.

Kokichi P.O.V

"W-Where do you think you're going?!" I asked

"Um, home?" Saihara-kun said in a tired tone

"Well, I don't like the way I won. let's play another game of chess!" I exclaimed

"Sorry, but I'm exhausted. If you want to play another game of chess with me, here's my number." Saihara-kun said while writing his number down on a piece of paper.

He handed me his number and then I went back inside.

~2 months later~

Saihara-kun and I play chess together everyday. It has become a habit of ours. I think I've caught feelings for Saihara-kun. We spend so much time together, and we both love to play chess. Every year we compete against each other in the year-round chess competition. I'm thinking about confessing to him with a game of chess. You know, to ask him to be my king, while I checkmate him!

I might do it later this week, if it's possible. Maybe tomorrow.


I'm going to confess to Saihara-kun today! It will be the perfect confession. I've already picked out where we will play chess, at Saihara-kun's favorite café! Then I'll ask him to be my king, it's simple.

We're at the café right now. I hope everything goes according to plan. While I was setting up the board Saihara-kun went to go order the coffee, I told him this one's on me.

A little bit later when I started to ask Saihara-kun to be my king, he agreed. I was so happy! Then of course I tried to checkmate him. He ended up winning instead of me. 

A/N Thank you for reading this oneshot! I hope you enjoyed it, sorry for not updating in a while. As always, have a nice day/afternoon/night! -💜💙

QOTD: Do you like to play chess?

Word Count: 1274

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