II. Little Gremlin

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   Traffic cones decorated the entrance to the underground roads along the 7th block. The reflection of (y/n)'s car lights shining brightly among them. The few guys blocking the entrance took one good look at whose car it was and knew not to hold her up any longer.

  (Y/N) gave them an appreciative nod as she slowly rode through to the meet, the men giving her a subtle nod of respect in return.

  (Y/N) wasn't always respected like she is currently. She had to earn her way through to become regarded in such a way, considering the approval of people's admiration was so hard to achieve in this type of community. Even if it was just a subtle nod, it was the little things like that she cared for the most. Although of course they don't know that, and she will never tell them either.

   Slowly riding along between the crowds of people, (y/n) stared at all the different groups gathered around. Seeing them all done out, smooth hips rolling to the music blaring through the car's trunk speakers. The girls radiating confidence that seeped from their bones and into the air around them.

It has a nice effect (y/n) likes to think, the energy swarming around her, engulfing a sort of sense of pride in being able to experience this. Though of course there were few among the crowd who had screamed manipulative bitch energy, but (y/n) thinks she has a super powered gut for being able to sense people like that.

I guess when you grow around the abusive nature for so long it's easy to spot among people, for you don't know better until you experience better and realize how low you were treated before. It's easy to get twisted, and caught up in because of the great lengths someone will go to bring you hatred, or twisted thoughts to yourself for personal gain. How fucked up can people get u think, but that's only a taste of it.

  (Y/N)'s presence quickly became known as she got closer to the shop she usually goes to before the racing gets started up. Some greeted her by either waving, throwing their hands up while hyping her up, smiling, subtly nodding, or blatantly glaring at her. Ahh she loved jealous people, they kept her pretty entertained every now and then.

  She pulled in the lit up shop, quickly spotting one her most favorite people in the world; although she would never admit that to them. The young girl was sitting lazily on the grey couch up ahead, playing what looks to be gin rummy with a few others (y/n) knew of but weren't close to. She had her legs crossed atop each other with one arm straight out, her elbow atop of her knee and the other full of cards.

  She had on a deep red laced corset with little black intricate roses all over, making her breast pushed up in the slightest. Faded dark denim jeans hugged her lower half, slightly low waisted with a little flare at the bottom, a maroon belt that had multiple holes in it paired along. Black heels with laces that were wrapped around her ankle into a little knot finished it off. Toes painted red, rings, a single necklace, and silver earrings decorated the attire. Although (y/n)'s favorite detail among her friend's appearance was the growing roses going up the girl's arm. It started upon her wrist going all the way to the middle of her arm. It was yet to be finished but the girl already made it look like a masterpiece.

  (Y/N) grabbed her duffle bag out of the passenger side, slipping the rough strap over her shoulder. A small smile graced her features as she turned off the car, gently taking the key out.

  She hurriedly got out of the car, softly slamming the door shut. This made everyone who didn't know she was there snap their eyes up to her lean figure.

  She saw one pair of specific eyes snap up to her, and smirked lightly at the excited girl, who had a grin growing by the second.

  The girl threw her cards against the glass coffee table with a little squeal, making all the other players shockingly turn their heads to her while she jumped off the couch to run to (y/n), arms wide open ready for her.

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