I. Bargains and Beginnings

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(Y/N) sighed in frustration as the fluid leaked down her forearms, trailing down to stain her tank even more than it already had been. She muttered a small "Fuck" under her breath as she felt it start to soak through the thin material of the faded red top. Someone called in late asking to get their car inspected for some problems even though they had been closed for the past hour. Though it wasn't a surprise when (D/N) told them to come in after they tripled the original price, fucking money grubber. Which made her annoyingly rush up there even though she was done for the day.

The smell of burnt rubber caught her attention enough to tell her that it was the transmission that was leaking. "Fucking idiots" she whispered before she rolled from under the car to check the transmission. She removed the pan and slowly drained the fluid, careful not to get any more unnecessary stains. Replacing the old pan with a new one, the leak should be completely solved now.

  She walked out of the repair shop to her Dad's office, going to tell him the client's car is fixed and should be picked up tomorrow only to find him not there. She walked around unsurely seeing him nowhere, maybe he's smoking out back she thought.

She walked through the back, quietly opening the door until an unknown voice stopped her. She stopped and silently listened in to hear the strangers voice and her dad arguing over a job. Most of the conversation was hard to comprehend but she managed to hear their last exchange of words.

"Don't disappoint me (D/N). What happened to your precious wife will seem merciful compared to what I'll do to your puny little self. " Dread crawled up your spine at the man's words; at the thought of your mothers death. Memories flashed through your head quickly and disappeared just as fast; thank the lord. You couldn't reflect on that right now.

"Get your panties out of a twist Geto. When have I ever failed you and your high self?" Geto? He said he would stop dealing with him. Irritation crawled under her skin with the idea of him getting tied with Geto again. Wherever Geto goes, bloodshed follows.

With that she hears a car door slam and an engine starting. Her dad's footsteps drawing closer to the door. Leaning back into the corner behind the opening of the exit, she waits until he's inside and closes the door to question him.

"Hmm 'I'm not going to associate with Geto anymore' was it? I knew you were a liar Dad, but not an idiot." He turned around to only give a lazy look, annoyance shining in his eyes. He knew that she wouldn't back down from the topic if he told her to f off, knowing she's experienced and been taught well enough to not be put down so easily. He scanned over the thin but lengthy scar going down the column over her throat, small guilt bubbling up in his own.

"Don't worry about it (Y/N), it's an easier task this time." She gave him a look that said 'skip the bullshit'. He ran a hand over his face, sighing before looking at her intently "I'm scheduled to assist these people in a deal, they are trading a car and I need to check it out for any unnecessary parts that could endanger them. They also need me to put some new equipment in their cars." She stood there for a moment pondering what to say, but honestly she had nothing to say to begin with, what is there to say? Trust wasn't a very acknowledgeable trait in the family line.

She just nodded and walked past him brushing his shoulder before stopping midway looking over her left shoulder, a blank expression on her face. "I guess you better not disappoint then, and by the way the car for the inspector is done-" she turned back around dismissing with a wave of her hand, "Tell them they should probably get a new occupation if they are a car retailor and can't identify a fucking transmission leak." and with that she left her dad standing there with a monotone expression.

She rushed off to where she left her things in her office, quickly checking the time to see it's 10:45 pm, 'just enough time' she thought. She shrugged on her grey oversized zip-up hoodie, careful to slip her Beretta handgun into the back waistband of her jean shorts. The gun had been gifted down to her from her mother before she died, it had her initials engraved on the side, curving around the silver pistol lining. The grip panel slightly fading nude due to using over-time; her mother and father thought it would be best for her to learn to conceal such a weapon since they were known around the parks, and not as the loving family way. No (Y/N) grew up only knowing to be strong, know your shit and own the fuck outta it. So over time she learned how to take apart the handgun and put it all back together as if it was untouched, she went to the ranges with her dad and practiced until the bullet went through the earlier shot, seemingly untouched; perfect precision. She became obsessed with the new toy, it becoming a comfort mechanism since she always felt unloved, or not enough for those she cared about.

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