"Is that your brain or your dick saying?"

"Both." Answered Brett grinning. Jackson laughed.

„Well... you better don't say stuff like that in front of Ethan." I knew Ethan better than Jackson because of Aiden. Aiden and I were good friends. The thing is they are a package deal if you were friends with Aiden you had to get along with Ethan. They once tried to prank me. Ethan acted like he was Aiden but he couldn't trick me so easily. Ethan was the more stable and reasonable brother while Aiden a little psycho was.

"Aiden would probably laugh."

"Yes, he would especially after Ethan punched Brett," said Jackson with his familiar grin. Brett laughed.

"I would paralyze him before he could do it." Said TJ smiling. She was sometimes a little mean but she could be (over)protective about the people she cares about.

"Aiden would kill you." Replied Jackson.

"No he wouldn't and I would paralyze him then too." Said TJ. Jackson laughed. She joined him. I smiled because it made me happy to see them both laughing.

"Aww. That's a nice gesture. But I can protect myself TJ." Said Brett with his typical smirk.

"Not against Ethan and Aiden. They are twins." I agree with TJ. A werewolf couldn't beat them when they merged. Isaac tried it once and it backfired.

"Well, I can handle two werewolves." Oh my god. He was a born werewolf but didn't know that twins canmerged? I can finally mock him for something.

"Who is gonna tell him?" asked Jackson. Jackson, Nola,n and I looked at TJ. She rolled her eyes and said with a little annoying voice:

"Fine. So werewolf twins can merge into one big werewolf." Brett looked very surprised. It was soo funny.

„Well... I still think I could take them." Said Brett grinning. TJ shook her head.

„Isaac thought the same thing and it backfired." Brett looked at me like he was trying to say 'seriously? You should back me up since TJ didn't'.

"Unless you have a death wish I wouldn't challenge them." Said Jackson.

"TJ would help me. Right?" asked Brett.

"Yeah if they try to hurt you."

"I would paralyze you if you try to hurt Ethan." I raised both of my eyebrows. Jackson rolled his eyes.

"Alright... And Aiden." Jackson wasn't a big fan of Aiden. I mean I think he likes him but they have both strong personalities so they argue a little.

„Happy?" I nodded with a grin. I looked to Nolan who didn't say anything almost the whole time since we bumped in Jackson. It's not like he usually talks much but I was still a little worried. I didn't know if it's because of Jackson I planned to ask him later alone when we had some privacy and we found the rest. Where were they?

Mason's POV

"What if we don't find them?" asked Corey. He looked sad. No. That wasn't the right word. Frightened. I hated it. I grabbed his hand gently and stopped in front of him. He looked down. It hurts me to see him like this. I knew how he felt. That was my thing. I didn't have claws, fangs, glowing eyes, or could shatter someone with my voice. All I could was think and analyze.

"Then they'll find us. We'll get through this." He looked at me still looking frightened.

"What if they don't? Mason, I'm scared."

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