Chapter 16 I think.... (Kzk x Phil)

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'What if I play dead?'


The 'thing' manages to punch through the stone. Debris fall beside him. His anxiety doesn't lessen by the sudden silence. He slowly opens his eyes, almost fainting out of shock.

The thing has large yellow wings and sharp fangs. Once Philip remembers this man, the man suddenly grips his neck and pushes him on the ground. Philip can't stop chanting all the prayers he had heard throughout his life.

'Pleass don't eat me! I'm not tasty!'

The man's furious look turned into a slight confusion with a mix of entertainment.


Philip let's out a small squeak.

Philip can see the evident confusion in the man's face. 'I am not going to eat you' 'If you do not wish to get eaten, I suggest you keep your mouth shut'

Philip immediately bit down on his lip because of anxiousness.

The man then removed his hand from Phil's neck. He then bridal carried Philip. Phil noticed how the man was trying his best to be very gentle. The man had pointy claws which weren't very comfortable.


Phil was about to scream really hard when he saw another terrifying man.

'I told you to keep your mouth shut. If you want to die, then scream. If you don't, then shut your mouth. I might not want to eat you now, but they will surely rip you into pieces once they see you'

The man whispered to him.


The man gritted his teeth when someone screeched right behind them. 'They heard you' The man said before sprinting to the hole that he came from. He flew out of the hole right before the others could flap their wings to try and get to them.

'What are they?!'

'It doesn't matter' The man responded.

The flying is too intense for Philip. The man is flying extremely fast, making breathing seem so hard.

After a few moments of flying, Philip finally gets the chance to speak again. 'Where are you taking me?' he asks the man. 'This isn't the time to talk' the man says. 'But why? They aren't on your trail-' the man glares at Philip which gives him goosebumps.

'Just shut up. You don't know anything. You don't know anything about the creatures that live in this forest, nor do you know anything about this forest. They can turn invisible, it's possible that they're right behind us. So if you don't want to die, keep your mouth shut.'

Philip is extremely unhappy and uncomfortable. 'What have I gotten myself into?' He says in his mind. He can't blame Indo since indo only wanted to keep him safe, not knowing about the consequences...

Philip hates being picked up so he's very uncomfortable.

Just when Philip thought they are safe, something screeched loudly right behind them. Phil's eyes widened when he saw their sharp talons. There are at least ten of them. All Philip can think of is that they are going to die for sure.

Just when they are both to get hit, the man dodged in the speed of light. The man kept dodging their attacks. He seems to get more and more pissed off by each attack.

When the man reached his limit, he told Philip to hold tight. The man switched his carrying position. He is now carrying Philip with only his right hand. Phil is even more scared now. If he falls, he will surely die. There's no water below them.

(Countryhuman) Deep In The Forest (My Prey) (Human Animals AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora