Our Past - Gojo x Reader | Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Y/N!?!" Y/N wait up!!" Vanessa shouts from a distance. She sighs in confusion as she watches you drive off.

It was the next morning. You stomp your feet as you go downstairs. You approach your dad and snap at him while he's on the phone.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me?!!" You ask your dad in a loud, yelling tone as you clench your fists tightly.

"Scusatemi, vi devo richiamare in un'altra occasionne (speaking Italian). [Translation: Sorry, I have to call you back on another occasion]." Your dad hangs up the call and responds to you saying,
"What exactly are you talking about, Y/N?"

"Who do you think?" You snap back at him. "It's SATORU! Dad, I saw him last night. Why didn't you tell me he came back?!"

"Well, I tried to tell you that during dinner last night... but you left and-"

"Oh God, please tell me that he is only here to visit and won't be staying here permanently..."

"Sit down, Y/N." Your dad sighs. You clench your fists and have a frustrated look on your face. You stomp your foot loudly on the ground. But you know that taking your anger out on your dad won't make things any better. So you try, and decide to cope & co-operate with him. You then sit down calmly. "Do you remember what happened to Sophie last Spring?"

"Yeah, of course I remember. I was there." You reply.



Sophie and the other cheerleading squad members formed in a huddle while cheering, and singing/cheering on for their team. Two of the girls stood a foot apart from each other, as Sophie ran & jumped high into the air, and into the girls' arms. Sophie stood up quickly and confidently.

The other girls participating danced behind her as Sophie continhed to cheer, whilst the girls kept hold of Sophie on top of their arms. Everything was going perfectly fine... as the tragedy happened to Sophie.

She started to feel dizzy and couldn't keep hold of herself. She had a VERY blurry vision. She fell right onto the ground which was very high from where she was standing, to the ground. She fainted and faceplanted right into the ground, as she was unconscious and knocked out for awhile. The ambulance showed up ASAP.

The audience members, including and especially you were extremely shocked. You all gasped as you started to panic.


**End of flashback**

"And did you know that... Sophie has been bullied ever since?" Your dad exclaimed.

"Um, well no... I didn't know..." You replied, scratching your arm with a nervous look on your face. Could THAT have been your dirty secret? (Author's message/small note).

"By the way, are you okay? You look anxious, Y/N..." your dad asked.

"Perfectly fine, dad." You reply. But deep down, you actually were nervous.

Your dad sighed. "Well, she's been having a very hard time, so her parents decided that it would benefit Sophie and everyone else if Satoru moved bavk to town, and finished senior year with her."

"What do you mean by that...?" You asked, as you were VERY curious.

"Yes, Y/N. Maybe this could even be a benefit for us all, including you. Considering you three used to be so close."

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