"Fine, what's the deal?"

"Who is Harry?"

"What's gotten you so interested in him huh?" She smirked at his brother.

"Don't give me that look zav, you know I have a girlfriend." His words made her smirk free even more.

"What? I didn't say anything." She said innocently.

"Yeah sure. I'm just curious, why are you so excited for him? Who is he?"

"Harry was my friend when we were kids. Well more like I was a kid while he was just a baby, so small, so tiny. I don't know what happened then but one day he just left the house and went away with his father. Since then I've never seen him and it's already been eighteen years. That's why I'm so excited to see him again." She says happiness is clearly visible in his head.

Zayn pondered in his head but he came out with nothing. He doesn't remember anybody ever knowing 'Harry'. "Did I know him?"

"No silly, he is a year older than you. You weren't even born back then. Are done with your Q&A session. I'm literally tired."

"Yes, thanks." He pecked her cheek and went towards his room.

Zayn went back to his room. He stripped down to his boxers and snuggled under his duvets. The name 'Harry' kept on swirling around in his head. He didn't understand why he was getting bothered just by the name. There was no reason, he never met him nor did he have known about him before tonight. But he felt that there is something and he can't wait to meet that person.

He kept switching his side but it was like sleep is too far away. He got up and went to his window, wrapped in his duvet looking out at the brightly lit night. For a few moments he forgot about Harry but then again after a few short minutes he was back at it. The more he thinks the more it makes him annoyed. 

"Harry, how can someone name their kid Harry in today's world? Feels like he is from some royalty." He muttered to himself as soon as sleep took him in its embrace.





The next morning he woke up late because of his all night long discussion over a name that still got no face. He freshens up with a speed that he never had when he would get late for school. With a spark in his steps, he went down to eat breakfast with his family. 

He greeted his mum with a peck on her cheeks, pinching Zaviya's cheeks and said good morning to his dad and Mike.

"When we have to leave for the airport, dad?" Zayn asked while taking a bite of his butter toast.

"We will leave at noon, their flight will get here in the afternoon. So it's better if we reach early." 

"Ok, dad. But who are they? I mean you say they are from our pack only, but I know nothing about them. And they are gonna stay with us, can you please tell."

"You look, excited son." His father gave him a look.

Zayn doesn't know what's with the looks he is getting every time he wants to know about those guests. Does he have something on his face, which everyone can see except for him?

"No I mean, I'm curious. Come on dad, just tell already."

"Ok, I'm just joking." Evander wiped his mouth with the napkin and stood up. "Complete your breakfast then meet me in my office I'll tell you."

Zayn turned towards Zavia and squinted his eyes, giving her a look of betrayal, "And you said you don't, anything except his name."

"It's not a lie. Now stop staring at me and finish up pup, dad is waiting for you." He again groaned at his nickname and stuffed his mouth with the food.

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