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Later the night after dinner the Morris family took their farewell from the packhouse and went home. Zayn may or may not have teased Eliot the whole time by clinging to Ryan for a boy's night out but in response, Eliot had dragged Ryan outside to their car even before the family could wish their goodnight's to each other.

Zayn had always seen Eliot as his younger brother and is very protective over but that doesn't help when he enjoyed taking a piss out of him. He knew it's just a matter of time and then Eliot's nerves would eventually calm down, but he isn't going to waste the chance while it lasts.

When the malik family went back to their living, Evander asked everyone to have a talk with him before the guests arrived. Evander and Avery sat on one couch while Zayn, Zaviya and Mike sat on the opposite one.

"Hey, pup's, how's everything going?"

"Dad, I'm not a pup anymore." Both the siblings groaned altogether.

"Well that's isn't gonna change the fact that you still are my pups," Evander said, chuckling at his grown up kids behaviour, as he sat next to Avery pulling her into his arms.

"Who is coming, tomorrow dad? And what's so special with them?" Zayn asked enthusiastically. It's the only question that has been going in his head since the morning.

"Well, that's what I want to talk about with you guys. Whoever is coming tomorrow is a very close friend of mine and I want you guys to behave properly in front of him." Both Zayn and Zaviya nodded to their father's words.

"Not just that, they are going to live with us. So I want you to help them with anything they need or want."

"How long are they gonna stay with us, are they from our pack?" Zayn can't help but ask.

"I don't know how long they are gonna stay, though I wish that they never leave this pack again," Evander said feeling a bit sad for all those years he didn't have his best friend with him. Avery softly squeezed his hand, like a soft 'everything is fine.

"So as I was saying, you two are gonna behave and make them feel like home." He then turned towards Zayn "And you, my son are going with me tomorrow to pick them up from Heathrow airport. We will leave in the afternoon, alright?"

"Yes, dad."

"Dad, is Harry coming?" Zav can't help but chipper in between the conversation.

"Yes, of course, zav. Now off to bed you all go. See you in the morning. Goodnight." Evander ended the conversation not wanting to talk anymore.

They all wished goodnight to each other and went to their respective rooms. Zayn tried to ask who Harry is to his dad but all he got was a 'tomorrow' and was ushered back to his room. 

"Hey zav, wait up a second," Zayn said and rushed towards her before she could enter her room.

"Mike if you don't mind, can I take her for a second?" 

"Sure, buddy." He pecked her cheek and went inside.

"What do you want now, zaynie?" Zaviya asked, totally not in a mood to talk.

"Cut out the tantrum already, I won't take much of your time. Just tell me one thing then go all bunny." He said, making her irritated.

"You get out of here and now I don't want to answer anything." 

"Ok, I'm sorry. Please, please, please big sister." Zayn took her hand in his, stopping her from going inside her room. He pleaded giving his puppy eyes, which he knew no one could resist. Zaviya tried her best but failed to resist his puppy fact.

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