#4 you are perfect the way you are

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What's the problem if you are fat? What's the problem if you have scars?
What's the problem if you have wavy hair and can't open them on daily basis?
What's the problem if you don't have expensive clothes?
Your beauty does not depend on how you look, it's not necessary to look glamorous all the time. If people say
negative things about you it's only because they envy you.

You are perfect the way you are. Your real beauty lies inside you and you should be proud of it. We can't stop what people say but we can definitely not let that affect us.

Just look at yourself,you shine as bright as the stars do,you glow all the time. Be proud of yourself. Appreciate yourself. Enjoy each and every moment.
Always remember there are people out there in the world who loves you no matter how you look.

You are not fat, god gave you airbags as you are very precious.
Your scars make you look more beautiful and strong
You look amazing in those wavy hair. YOU ARE PERFECT!

A general reminder to all the peeps out there who think they are not perfect. Everyone have flaws but even those flaws are beautiful if you see it the other way around.

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