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-TW: Death-
Recommendation: @ IMREALLYGAE

I wanted to visit dream.
I know I'm kinda foolish but i haven't seen Tommy in awhile and Tubbo was out visiting a village. I was bored, and i haven't been out either so i went outside, it was calm? I really don't know how to explain it. So i headed to the prison, i got an allium on the way there i wanted to give it to Tommy! I arrived at the prison and i spoke to Awesamdude..

"Hey Sam!" I said

"Hello, Ranboo." Sighed Sam, he seemed...off.

"Sooo, hows things in the prison?" I Asked

"Ah well, there has been a death...in the prison." My heart stopped for a second, i hadn't been keeping up with things for about a week and this happened? Its like I've been living under a rock all my life.

"Oh? Well who was it?" I laughed

"It-...it was Tommy, Ranboo." He Murmured, i couldn't speak for a minute i didn't believe him...It was Tommy?

"Your kidding right?"
I Mumbled "No, Ranboo...Tommys dead." He Disclaimed

"W-What..no! he was just with me, we were planting flowe-"

i got interrupted "Ranboo, im sorry but, dream got him...he killed Tommy i only just found out, yesterday." tommy was visting dream?...

"I wanna see dream."

"Wait what?" He said

"i said, i wanna see dream sam."

"Ranboo- Are you sure?"

Warden Sam, as other people call him when he's working at the prison. He was very serious and kinda like a sarcastic person, i didn't like it, i mean why would he work here if he couldn't even save Tommy. I was furious, i was tearing up but i didn't wanna cry
in front of sam so spoke again

"Sam, I just w—nna visit dream." Theres something that always happens when crying or tearing up, my voice goes out. If that makes sense but there would be times where my voice just stops out of nowhere when I'm sad, i hated it but hopefully sam didn't notice

"okay then, you're gonna need to come up here and read this book." He said "Oh- okay then." I wiped my teary eyes and walked up to the lecturn and read the book

"Should i sign it-" i said

"yes" he answered

I signed the book and gave it to Sam,

"alright well im gonna ask you some questions, it wont take long." He sighed

"oh okay." I responded
"When was the last time you visited the prison." He said

"Oh- i actually never visited the prison before." I said

"ok. Do you believe that the prisoner deserves to be locked up?" He murmured

"Hmm, yes...yes i do believe he should be locked up." i answered

"mm kay. What are your prior relationship with the prisoner?"

"Uhm, i was sort of his friend i guess, I'm not too sure we don't talk much." At least i don't think so, that weird voice thats in my head sounds like dream.

"Okay then.."
📍Time Skip to where ranboo is getting to dreams prison cell

It was hot... i mean i was surrounded by lava, i was pretty miserable sense sam had told me that Tommy had died recently. I didn't even get to see him one last time, but there was a netherite border keeping me from dream then i saw him.

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