// 𝐀...𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐗?.. //

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Recommendation: @ —DAYDREAM
( - sorry i changed it up a bit - )

I never really knew what people were talking about when they talked about phoenixes- i mean i never really met or saw one before, their really rare in origin smp. And everyone went their separate ways after they realized some were better than others, i think thats stupid but- i stick with my part of the group i guess. Enderians, Endermens. Yes im an enderman, i cannot touch water but i could teleport everywhere- it seems like a win win anyways about the separation thing, felines, and elytrains, merlings, phantoms, shulks, and phoenixes i guess if they even still exist or even are a thing. But they just stayed together after our huge war we had. After that we made our own nations? It was forbidden to make contact with anyone who wasn't like you, or in your nation. It seems dumb.

But i was out getting some wood, it was my job for the day...only really exciting thing that happens with my life. I was gonna go to my house i guess, i only use it for a job like this and ready to get out, and i bumped into another enderman accidentally looking into his eyes. I looked away quickly hoping he didn't see that...

"The hell you looking at?" Remember that I'm only 6'6 and he's 7'0

"Oh-uh sorry sir." I said while looking down.

"You looking for a fight you fucking child? You better keep your eyes shut next time i fucking see you, you little bitch." And he walked away angrily

Hm, well... that happens a lot. I just look at their eyes accidentally but before i even get the chance to say that they just yell at me and walk off, I'm very lonely in this nation..nobody really wants to talk to me I've recently found out- i don't really know why I'm pretty sure its the fact that everyone has purple eyes and i have a green and red eye. But thats why i love when i get an outdoor job because I'm usually alone.

I headed out of the gates because in every nations theres a huge wall and a gate. I finally got to the woods, and i had a little house i guess? Its more of a hangout area where i keep tools for my jobs, bandages, bandaids. And some books i like to read when i get the time.

Yes my life is boring, but i cant do anything about it.

I got my axe and some bandages and bandaids just in case i cut my hand a bit in a dangerous job like this, and i put on a little strap for my axe so it could just hang around my back and also my sword. And then i go out to the woods

I don't usually see other endermens near my place, so thats why i don't get caught. i get to a tree and start to cut it down until i heard a scream- it was kinda loud, so i panicked a bit. I didn't know if i should go see if things were alright- so i did because why not? And this is what i saw...



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