~ Chapter Fifteen ~

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"Amanda, do you have to leave us?" Director Booth questioned as his blonde agent packed up her desk.

"Yes, " Amanda chuckled. "I need to get out of the FBI and settle down somewhere."

"New York?" Booth laughed, "you think you're gonna be able to settle down in the city that never sleeps?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I think New York is going to be a great place to settle down in."

"What's in New York that D.C. doesn't have?"

"Available women, " Amanda spoke, slapping the cover on her box of personal stuff.

"This is about that brunette, Stabler, isn't it?"

"Yes, " Amanda rolled her eyes. "Look Booth, you knew when I got here that I don't stay in one place too long. D.C. is becoming a part of my past now, just like Atlanta and Houston."

"Very well then, there's no changing the mind of a woman who has her mind made up. Just remember that we're here when you're ready to come home."

"Copy that, " Amanda wrapped her arms around Booth. "I'm going to miss you, the wife, and the kids, so don't be a stranger."

"I won't be, plus Penny won't let me be one, so you can count on hearing from us."

"Good, I'll call when I get to my new place."

"Driving into the city tonight?" Booth questioned, walking Amanda to the elevator.

"That's the plan. I'll get into New York and get a hotel for a night. Then I'll move into my new place tomorrow morning."

"Alright, " Booth said as the elevator dinged. "Enjoy the city and Amanda, take care of yourself."

"Will do, " Amanda smiled, stepping onto the elevator content with ending her time at the FBI and trying something new.


"Olivia, are you okay?" Fin questioned, placing a hand on Olivia's shoulder.

"Yeah, " Olivia trailed off, not lifting her eyes from her cellphone.

"What's going on? I'm always here to listen." Fin said, sitting in the chair beside Olivia's desk.

"Someone's coming to look at the house tonight, and it all seems surreal."

"Yours or Trevor's?" Fin questioned.

"Mine, " Olivia sighed. "I've lived there since graduating high school, literally since graduation night. Parker and William grew into men in that house. Emme has grown up in that house. My marriage had all of its good and bad moments in that house, and now I'm just giving it away. I know it's the right thing to do, but at the same time, I feel like I'm losing a part of myself by getting rid of it."

"I wish I could say I know what you're going through, Liv, but I don't. I do know this; you're ready to depart with that part of your life. You've moved on from Elliot, and I think it's time to move your life and kids on from him too. I know both William and Emme have taken a strong liking to Trevor, and I know that they're ready to let go of all the trauma Elliot brought to their lives. As for Parker, he'll come around, Liv. He's reacting at an extreme, but I promise you that he will come around."

"Fin, what have you heard about Parker?" Olivia questioned, running a hand over her more prominent bump.

"Huang thinks it's emotional trauma. Parker passed the lie detector on questions about what he confessed to you on the night of the incident. It was clear to everyone that after Parker came out of his, what Huang described as a manic episode, he was remorseful and wanted you. He regretted deeply what happened but obviously couldn't and can't be released from the facility until they figure out exactly what happened and caused him to break."

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