~ Chapter Ten ~

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Olivia felt hot as she awoke from sleep. She felt sweaty and uncomfortable, but as she tried to move a strong arm pulled her closer to its body. She felt suffocated as she tried to move away from the strong force holding her in bed.

"Baby, you're going to roll off the bed if you move any further, " Trevor spoke, his voice still laced with sleep as he held Olivia tightly to his chest.

Olivia opened her eyes and realized she was on the very edge of what she deemed her side of the bed at Trevor's. He slid back, gently pulling her towards the middle of the bed with him. After he lifted his arm off of her, she turned and faced the sleepy green-eyed man.

"Thanks, " she smiled softly.

"You're welcome, " Trevor whispered, pushing brown curls away from her face.

Gently Trevor placed his arm back around Olivia's frame, he propped his head up with one hand and placed the other across Olivia's visible stomach. In the silence of their breathing, Trevor allowed his fingers to trail over the bare olive skin of his lover. She changed his life forever the night before, he was going to be a father, to a mix of him and who he thought was the most beautiful girl in all of New York City.

"Whatcha doing?" Olivia whispered, the lightness of his fingers sending goosebumps over her skin.

"Taking you in, " he whispered before placing a tender kiss on her nose and then one on her still flat stomach.

Olivia stayed silent as Trevor hovered his lips over her stomach. His hot breath spreading across her bare skin like a warm blanket. Olivia allowed one of her hands to reach down and cup her boyfriend's cheek. His green eyes looked up and locked with hers, and all she could see was a glimmer of happiness and excitement looking back at her. Olivia raised her eyebrows, coaxing Trevor to explain himself because to say she was lost was an understatement.

"Your body is about to go through a lot of changes, you're about to do one of the most amazing miracles that God gifted the human race, I want to be able to recognize when you start to show. I want to take the time to get to know all of you, and that includes your body."

Olivia felt some tears sting the bottom of her eyes, but she tried to hold them back, "who knew you were such a hopeless romantic?" She smiled, "but you know, there's more than one way to learn my body, right?" Olivia questioned thrusting her hips into Trevor who's head was now above hers as he held himself over her body.

"This is different, Liv. Although exploring you that way is nothing I don't mind, I want to be able to pick you out of a room full of people without seeing your face. I want to point to you in a crowded area and say 'that one's mine,' I know this relationship is new for the both of us, and it's a lot really fast but I mean it, Liv, when I say I'm here for you and I've got you from here on out, I mean it."

"Trev, " Olivia whimpered, reaching up to cup his face, "you've truly caught me off guard these past few weeks and I couldn't be more thankful that you're not who I thought you were. Thank you for being here for me when you didn't have to be. You stepped up and showed me your true colors in my time of need and sure now we're here and in an unpredictable situation, but I couldn't have handpicked a better man to be in this situation with."

Trevor smiled and allowed his thumb to swipe away the escaped tears running down Olivia's cheeks.

"I know in the past I've seemed flakey, it looks like that to a lot of people who don't take the time to get to know me. I'm a private man and stay closed off because it's just easier that way. Just know and never forget, I have a heart and I'm one hell of a lover. Most of my relationships don't last long because people outside of the work we do don't understand the long hours and then it turns into me being accused of cheating, and from their shit just catches on fire. Ya know?"

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