Chapter Twenty Two

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            It was about six months after the restoration of OZ. Just like in Kansas, the seasons came and went until one month it was cold enough to where Glinda could allow the snow to fall for the special occasion. By now Emerald City was abuzz, citizens rushing with excitement. Once they learned that Amber, the granddaughter of the one and only Dorothy Gale, savior of the land, was going to stay with them, they couldn't be happier. Catherine, also known as the China Princess, was the closest person Amber could proudly call her new best friend. She had stuck to her word and had helped Amber pick out the perfect wedding gown. They did things any friends would do. It felt nice to have another girl to speak to after all that time being surrounded by men. Not to mention, the princess was extremely open and sweet. She wasn't as stuffy and dull as Amber had anticipated. In fact, during tea time, the first thing that this "regal" woman did was put her feet up and bite into a piece of cake without using a fork. Amber must've given her a strange look that day, but all Catherine did was give a smile and comment, "My butler would lose his marbles if he saw me like this." And so, it was surprisingly Catherine that helped her to loosen up. When in private, they'd laugh and talk like ordinary girls, but in public, the China Princess taught her some of OZ's cultural customs. Not to mention, Dexter and Marshal had gotten closer too. Even though they weren't friends like Catherine and Amber, they were pretty close.

Amber spent every day discovering what it was like to live in OZ. Everything was restored to the point where nobody would've been able to recognize there was a storm in the first place. It was even more magical than when she first arrived. She and the former Jester were walking into town casually just to get some sunlight. And of course, by now she and Dexter were finally able to settle into the Wizard's old chamber. It took a lot of work, clearing out all the dust, not to mention they had to pack all of the Wizard's left behind objects. Some objects, Dexter kept, telling her they might be useful for the future. When she asked him why keep such strange items, he smiled and told her, "Glinda and I spoke the other day. She said that OZ was missing something after the Wizard left. And with all this empty space, she and the council agreed that I should be Emerald City's official new sorcerer. Some were reluctant to agree, but eventually they trusted my new motivations. Now I can still have a little fun and put my magic to use." He explained proudly. "You're telling me they made you the new Wizard of OZ?!" She gaped at him, not believing her ears. That's when he laughed, "I wouldn't be caught dead replacing that old coot! And I'll have you know, puppet, that people are still calling me 'the Jester' after all this time even though I don't look like a clown anymore. Watch this," He looked around at the people around them, trying to find a perfect person to greet. "Good morning to you, miss!" He waved to a mother and her little boy that were making their way past them. The woman said nothing, she only stared a little fearfully at the Jester before yanking her son's hand behind her. But the little boy grinned widely and waved back, "Good morning Mr. Jester!" That earned him another tug from his mother.

Chuckling, Dexter turned back to face Amber, "See? I'll always be the Jester of OZ whether I look the part or not." He sighed, not knowing whether to feel trapped or to brush it off and feel free. Unlike the original wizard, he'd be out and about quite a bit. He wanted to be seen, not locked away in another playroom. "Well, for what it's worth, even though you don't look like a Jester anymore, you'll always be my goofball." She told him, trying to lighten his mood. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "I can't wait to marry you. Y'know now that you mention it, I'm thinking about that story I read from your world, about the beast and the beauty." Amber blushed as they continued down the street. They walked hand in hand without a care in the world. Some people still had issues trusting him, but that didn't mean everyone was opposed to the idea of accepting him for who he was. It helped that he was working hard the past months. He did little things with his magic such as healing people, repairing broken objects, mixing cures for sicknesses, and returning things that were once lost. Amber would've gone as far as to say his magic had gotten stronger ever since he did away with the scepter. Granted, he was still his same quirky self. That's what she loved about him.

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