Part 8 Jay moutain

Start from the beginning

"That should work. Pony can cut my hair while you guys are at the store." Johnny says he's running this through his head, "you better hurry, before the story gets out." He say suddenly, I nod and take the cash that's left from him. "See you guys soon." Sprite says as we start to hurry down the hill.

Soon we arrive at a road "we probably should have asked where to go once we get here." Sprite says, "I agree, it's now a gamble. We can go right and risk walking a million more miles than necessary or left and risk walking a million more miles than necessary." I say smiling, "let's go right, the right way." Sprite says smiling, "on the road again, making way in the road again."

I start singing, "oh gosh stop." Sprite says putting her hand over my mouth, "you know you are a horrible singer." She says, knowing she just got me mad she smiles wondering what I will do next, "I am." I say and keep walking, she looks shocked but follows.

"Sooo, a few days ago I forgot your last name, but then I remembered it, and then I forgot." She says, I laugh knowing she has trouble remembering things, "we haven't talked much, so let me talk and keep your mouth shut. No telling." I say, she nods looking at me with her wondering blue and green eyes.

"My last name is Winston and in case you didn't know that's Dally's last name to. And Dally's from New York, and I'm from New York.." I pause wondering if she gets it yet, I continue, "and me and Dallas look alike." I say, all the sudden her eyes light up, "omg, could he be your brother?" She asks eagerly, "I think so, but he doesn't know so you can't tell, I want to keep it a secret until I leave." I say, she looks so sad.

"Your still leaving?" She asks, "yeah I mean, once this whole thing blows over. I can't get stuck here, if Dally's here and my dad finds out then I'm dead." I say, she just a nods, she knows that I needed to leave my house.

"Soo, Dally has no idea. What are you going to do I mean he must be into you and you look so much alike I can't believe I didn't notice." Sprite rants, "idk, now keep you mouth shut and he won't find out. Also we are here." I pop in the last part because we are in the middle of a bunch of houses or shops.

It's a tiny town compared to Tulsa but it's bigger than some towns. "Lets try the general store." Sprite says, I nod and we walk in the store.

The man at the counter nods in our direction, we walk to the back. Sprite gives me the stink eye as I slip some candy and Pepsi in my pockets. Don't ask me how they fit in there but they do, "let's get the hair stuf." I say, while she's already looking at brands or whatnot she rolls her eyes, and whispers "while you were out there stealing I have already got what we need." I nod and walk toward the counter.

We pay and walk out the store, I couldn't hold my excitement in "that was so easy, he didn't even look twice at us." I say louder than I should, but no ones around.

Sprite just smiles and keeps walking, we were about to leave town when some kid comes up to us. "Don't make eye contact." Sprite whispers in my ear, "hey you guys." The kid says trying to make us stop walking "you guys. Have you seen my dog?" The kid asks, "no I haven't seen a dog now get away." I say.

"It's not a real dog it's a boy that looks like a little dog." The kid says, she's talking about Johnny. I brush out laughing while Sprite try's to hold hers in. "No we haven't seen a dog boy." Sprite says, and we keep walking the kid is behind looking sad.

"Man I hate kids. But that, that was hilarious." I say, Sprite smiles, "I know, do you think Johnny actually talked to them?" She asks, "he shouldn't have because then they could remember him when the newspaper comes around." I say, thinking about how bad it would be if he did.

On the walk back me and Sprite talk about things that the author is to lazy to write in. Soon we see the church, on our way up Sprite does the whistle. And Pony sticks his head out the back door with Johnny right behind him. "Dis you get the stuff?" Pony asks, I nod my head and walk in, I empty my pockets of the candy and sodas out on the little table like thing.

Pony looks at me in disbelief, "all free." I say, he smiles, "Darry would kill me if I stole that much." He says, "well you didn't, and also didn't we get into this mess because of Darry?" I already know the answer but why not ask it.

Johnny and Sprite are talking in the back, out of the corner of my eye I see a book. "Oh look someone left a book here." I say running over and grabbing it, "Johnny bought it, so we could pass time." Pony says, it's gone with the wind.

I've read gone with the wind before it's a good book but not the best, "have you ever read it?" I ask Pony, Johnny and Sprite are walking over to us "no but I've seen the movie and I really wanted to read it." Pony says, "what are you guys talking about?" Sprite asks, she looks in my hands and sees gone with the wind.

"Oh that books great." She remarks I nod and toss the book to Pony who almost drops it, "Pony could you read it while Sprite does our hair?" I ask, Pony nods his head excitedly.

After awhile I have a bob cut with the pins jabbing my head, I look like a whole new person. "The pins should stay in for awhile, this brand can hold forever." Sprite says, as Pony looks at his hair.

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