Chapt 2. Part 6

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Its more than likely he's not gonna hold back but he promised he wasnt gonna kill her so thats a plus.

The fight started off with her charging full speed towards him, but so she doesn't get close Bakugou blast her.

"Looks like Bakugou isn't gonna show her any mercy." Tsu says and everyone else agreeing.

"Why should he, if you guys were her real friends you'll have faith in her, even if her chances of winning is slim." I say

Deku agreed with me but still felt worried about his friend. Uraraka tried to sneak up on Bakugou by using the smoke as a diversion but he just blasted her again, but looks like that was a diversion as well and she came from behind trying to touch him but he blasted her making her fly back.

"Damn" i say under my breath.

He blast her again, and again, and again, and again. I can commend her bravery in keep on going, but then i looked up and seen what Uraraka had waiting for him.

A pro hero from the side lines talked mess about if Bakugou was a hero he wouldnt be doing this.

"Oh shut up." I say loud enough for the 'pro'  to hear. To say he is one he is dumb.

Then everyone started to boo Bakugou "My student is right, and who ever started this up roar are you even really a pro." Mr Aizawa says. He then continues to talk good about Bakugou. After a while the crowd finally noticed all the rocks floating above Bakugou's head and Uraraka dropped them.

She ran towards him and Bakugou blew up the rocks heading down on him, so hard the impact made Uraraka fly back. Even my hair flew up.

Uraraka was on the floor trying to stand up but then she just fell back on the ground, i dont think she's gonna get back up.

Bakugou ended up advancing to the second round. And not to long after Bakugou came back to his seat.
"Hey Bakugou playing the villain must have suck." Sero said. Last time i checked didnt he just lose his match, but anywayss.

"Even if it was who you were up against you did make a pretty good bad guy." Tsu says

"Shut up you idiots, or else!" Bakugou yells.

"Do it without the yelling." I say

During the quick break Kirishima and metal guy had there little arm wrestle and after a while Kirishima won. "Yeaaa, good job Kirishima!" I yell.

The next match was against Deku VS Todoroki. I low key cant wait to see how this turns out. Bakugou looked very intrigued if i do say so myself. The match already started off good with Todoroki sending ice Deku's ways but Deku broke it with a pluck.

Kirishima came back to join us "aww man im missing the fight."

"You did great out there." I say as he sits in his seat.

"Thanks now that ive won i'll gets to go against Bakugou." Kirishima says

"I'll kill you." Bakugou says blankly.

"Yea right in your dreams." Kirishima says "must be nice to have quirks that blow up the whole stadium, speaking of Y/N why haven't you did anything fancy with your moves yet."

"Look who i went against" i say with it coming out meaner than expected.

"Heyy" Aoyama says defensively

"Idiots, we all have a limit to how much our powers produce." Bakugou says

"You actually got brains." I say sarcastically.

"Shut up!" He yells .

Deku and Todoroki's fight was pretty good if Todoroki didn't put a wall of ice behind him he would've been knocked out the ring. Bakugou leaned forward and and put his hand on his chin as he analyzed the fight.

Todoroki looked as if he was freezing a bit from his quirk. But i remembered what Todoroki said how he didnt want to use his other side. He might use it, he might not, i personally think he should its his quirk at the end of the day. I still kinda feel bad for him and his situation.

The fight had everyone engaged and right now Deku had the upper hand. Thats when Todoroki started to use his fire side, i was amazed my gaze was fixated on no else but Todoroki. You could feel the heat all the way from the ring.

The two stood there Todoroki was half ice and half fire just as it was about to get good the teachers stopped the fight. But their attacks caused much damage to the ring all the debris flew to the crowd.

The ring was covered in smoke but when it cleared Deku was out of bounds and fell to the ground. You could see Todoroki was breathing very heavy and half of his shirt was gone exposing his body.

There was a break so they could fix the ring. Watching there match made me cant wait for mine, this just makes me want to prevail even more. Todoroki walked back to the seating area "good job on winning." I say with a little smile.

"Thank you." He says in his regular monotone voice. To be honest i didnt even think he was gonna answer at all.

After the break was over it was Ida's turn he was against the girl with green hair like vine. That ended quickly because all Ida did was push her out of the ring.

Next was the bird guy and this other huge guy i didnt recognize. He must've fought when i was gone or something. He had a nasty grin and i didn't like it one bit.

The fight started with the bird guy, Tokoyami i think, using dark shadow but the bigger guy just disappeared. "Does he have a teleportation quirk."

"No his quirk is invisibility." Kirishima says

"Might have to watch out for him." I say under my breath.

The fight ended with Tokoyami losing. Most of the fight was the other guy fighting dirty.

I got ready to go to the rink because i had a fight with Mina. "2 girls fighting..AWESOME!" Mineta says.

I put out my hand and from it paper comes out and goes over Mineta's mouth. He tries to scream but it was very muffled from the paper over it. "Everything that comes out your mouth disgust me." I say

From the corner of my eyes i could see Bakugou smirking. "Wait hows he gonna breath." Uraraka ask.

"Im sure he's smart enough to figure it out." I say

Time skip.
I got to the ring and so did Mina i bounced up and down and shook my head a bit as a little warm up.
"Y/N please dont go easy on me." Mina says smiling.

"I wasn't." I say laughing.

"Let the match begin!" Present Mic announced

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