The detective and EMTs came through and All Might disappeared.

Masa came to me with a worried look.

They loaded me onto a stretcher and into an ambulance. But no matter how much I tried I couldn't get his eyes out of my head.

Like it was playing on loop.

Slowly everything went dark.


Switching POV

I walked through leading the EMTs into the building my eyes immediately searching for my friends Shota and Yagi.

I saw as Yagi slipped out the back. He had transformed back. But Shota was a mess blood gushed from his head and arm.

The USJ looked like a bomb had gone off.

A kid with blond hair was calling everyone over to look at the sand?

When I reached them the hero's looked to me with a sad and a defeated look in their eyes.

Dropping them to the ground. Like a child about to be scolded.

"Can any of you tell me what happened?"

They all visibly tensed at my question.
Before they slowly spoke up.

Telling how the villains wanted to kill All Might and made some hellish creature to do it. They told me of the fight between the two. And how a child around the age of sixteen killed the creature.

How he had saved them and All Might from certain doom.

They were quiet for a moment each turning their gazes to the puddle of blood. Visible scratch marks were left in the dirt.

"The villains dragged him away." The cold words I didn't want to hear.

I wrote down the numbers and told them we would resume this at the police station.

One boy didn't like that.

"What the hell do you mean?"

"We need to piece together all the information before we can go looking." I said as the blond teen seamed to become more aggressive.

" NO Deku is out there right now and their doing god knows what to him!"

"Deku? You know the boy?" I asked

"Yes he's a dumb nerd I used to know."

" duly noted." I said scribbling the name Deku into my pad.


No ones POV

After the injured were taken to the hospital and treated. The hunt for answers began.

Each hero being questioned they pieced together a time sheet of the whole day.

It had been a boy from class 1-A that had alerted the hero's. And it was All Might who broke through.

"The class was separated into the different sectors. All were met with villains causing them to use force to get to safety.

After almost all had made it the center some went to find help. Other to help the injured. And a few went on the defense.

Eraser was fighting the villains head on trying to get to the leader. But was met with the Nomu. They fought and Eraser slipped past it and attacked the unknown figure.

After All Might and the hero's arrived the Nomu targeted All Might.

They fought All Might was on the losing side. The boy had come through with the nomu. But had stopped to help Eraser escape.

He then ripped a mask off and began to fight in All Mights place.

He kills the monster but had over used his quirk leaving him defenseless. He tried to get to the hero's.

But was attacked by leader. Then snipe shot the leader to get him away from the boy.

Only for the boy to be pulled through the portal.

He left coordinates to an unknown location. Leading us to an abandoned side of the city.

And you all believe this is where the boy is currently being held? And you want to plan a raid and rescue?

Is everything I've said correct or am I leaving anything out?" Reading off the list of events to the hero's currently surrounding the table.

The only question left is who is this boy?

1164 words

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