"You needed help"

"No, why are you here and not with Aeneas or Wil or anyone why are you with me" Every person who stuck around in his life wanted something and they still didn't stay long enough, he hates people. Samantha is the only person who has been kind to him, treating him like a brother and Edward appreciates her, she is really nice though scary but nice. Edward thought that after their mission in Reimer's land Elvis will never try to talk with him, he was surprised when he found out that he was actually following him

"I like you.....like I.... enjoy your company and I would like to get to know you" Edward just wondered why Elvis would like to know someone like him, there was nothing to know anyway so he shrugged "How did you know that those kids were in that car"

"I just knew" Edward might not have much but he didn't want to talk about his life "So does Aeneas have anything for us"

"He seems to have everything planned, that is not what I want us to talk about. It is just us here, I would like to know more about you"

"There is nothing to know" Edward said defensively, he didn't want to talk about it "How did you and Aeneas get to know each other"

"If he finds out you know I didn't say shit" Edward nodded zipping his mouth "His father was a demon who got an angel mate, long story short it was an odd pair. They were being rejected by their own kind and my dad took them in for a few months and in those months Aeneas was like the happiest kid alive, a Mama's boy to be honest you might not believe me but he was, I actually had tiny crush on him, that is a lie I had the biggest crush on him" Edward laughed turning to Elvis getting invested in this part of Aeneas "We would play together, he was a happy kid but a very evil one at the same time, after a few months his family left as they decided they should live as humans. Wolves are not the most accepting, they didn't feel at home. It was only three months when Aeneas walked back to our pack without his parents and that was when he became the Aeneas that we know now"


"It's his story" Edward nodded understanding that, he would also hate if anyone told his "So tell me why you hate talking about yourself"

"Maybe it is because there is nothing to talk about" Elvis sighed getting up creating a portal. Edward thought he was leaving but he put his hand out for him "What are you doing?"

"If you don't want to talk about yourself" Elvis pulled Edward up "I will give you something to talk about, let's go" Edward didn't have time to protest as they went through the portal

"Shit" Edward cursed closing his eyes leaning back to Elvis who held him from behind leaning his chin on Edward's shoulder, they are on top of a building and Edward is kind of freaking out since this was unexpected

"Open your eyes" Elvis said in a gentle voice, Edward cracked his eyes open to the beautiful view of the city below. Edward's lips turned into a smile when he looked at the city, this was the best thing he has ever seen in his life

"What city is this?"

"Hong Kong, the last time I saw it, it was nothing like this. After Aeneas came back and I finally got out of the mate cave this is the first place I visited and I fell in love with it again" Elvis turned Edward around so that they were face to face "It was never like this, you hate talking about yourself and this is not to force you to do so but what I want to show you is. This place was once a dark place, with time it developed, to something most people would not be proud of, it changed again and again and again until where it is now. So many buildings have had to be broken down so that they could build the city you are looking at. Edward everyone has a past, most had it worse than others that they think they will never recover from their past traumas  but the past make us who we are now, it is hard to forget but no one is asking you to do so, I just want you to try your best and enjoy where you are now, don't let the present pass because of the past because the more you do that you will end up missing the future because you will you keep on treating it as your past"

"I can't if she is alive" Edward can't forget or try anything new with her alive, with all of them alive. This walked with him everywhere.

"I can smell your pain from miles away" Elvis reached out to him "That pain is destroying you, it is killing you. I might not know what happened but I know one thing killing them while staying with the pain they inflicted on you is not revenge"

"What do you want me to do, not kill them"

"I am a demon, revenge is my life" Elvis said truthfully, he would revenge even if it was a small thing. Only Aeneas knew what he did to the demon that killed his mate "Did you know that the best revenge you can ever give anyone is for them to see you doing better than they left you as they die in a slow painful way"

"I want them dead-"

"After you kill them then what?" Elvis asked "What you are doing now is only for when a person angered you, this is not revenge. They will be dead and you will remain the same broken person they created and that is them wining dead or alive because they still haunt you"

"What do you want me to do" Edward has killed twenty three of the people who hurt him but he still isn't settled, he still feels that pain, he still feels the pain Henry created, yes what Elvis was talking about was true but what more could he do other than kill them.

"Find the person they think they broke and fix him, Use that pain in beneficial ways. Save those kids, do good if you have to, use the pain to be what you want for yourself. Use it and when you have finally found yourself, go kill them with a smile because deep down you know they didn't finish you. What they did didn't change you, it only made you stronger. Trust me even if they tried anything or said any hurtful word you will not be put in that same hole again. You will have build a shield that showed you who you are, you would have build a shield that showed you how your life could turn out, as long as you know that you belong, that you are surrounded by people who truly care, as long as you know YOU built yourself. Trust me, no one can break you again"

"How am I going to do that" Edward can't build himself from the hole he sunk in, they win, they already won and managed to destroy his life.

"Let me help you"

Aeneas: the underground king Man*ManWhere stories live. Discover now