Chapter 44

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"Amaros is here" Aeneas announced bringing Amaros in the kitchen where Alexander and Diego are seated enjoying ice cream, weird how a vampire is enjoying ice cream yet they should only be feeding on blood a lone. Aeneas noticed this but ignored it since it should be the last of his worries, the kid has something about him that is a lie and Aeneas will sure find if out but now he needs to get himself back on his mate's good side.

"Who is the kid?" Amaros asked

"Don't ask, tell Alexander the truth and apologize" Aeneas instructed pushing Amaros towards Alexander who glared at him before smiling at Diego who smiles back, Aeneas is wondering if Alexander doesn't see the wrong thing with the kid or he is that naive to trust people even if it is a child.

"Alexander what I said before was not true and I would like to sincerely apologize, I just wanted to see how much you loved him because he deserves the best but me and Aeneas have never had sex before" Amaros apologized with a tone that said 'I don't mean any of this and I am bored' "In this life of course" Amaros added just to make that clear in this life he and Aeneas haven't had sex but Amaros knows it will happen anytime soon.

Alexander glared at Amaros and he knows he didn't mean a thing depending on the way he said every word like he has been reciting poem that he is not interested in at all, like he has been forced to say those words and they burnt his tongue as they came out.Alexander sighed deciding to play along with their game "And the date?" Alexander asked

"My angel it wasn't a date" Aeneas moved close to Alexander "It was more of a congratulation dinner after getting the vamps on my side"

"And I wasn't invited" Alexander seethed trying his best not to jump Amaros, his jealousness had made him think of murder. Never did he think of murder this much but with Aeneas and Amaros together the only thing he thinks about is how to murder Amaros "Do you think I don't know what is going on here, both of you practicing face apologies so that you can come and lie to my face. I told you how much a promise meant to me but you looked me in the eye and promised to never sleep with anyone just to sleep with him" Alexander picked up Diego feeling like he was about to cry again


"Don't touch me with your dirty hands" Alexander hissed glaring at Aeneas' hand that is holding his elbow and the fact that it has been on Amaros disgusts him to the core, that he feels like Aeneas' touch that used to be good is burning his skin causing an irritation, Aeneas decided to let go of his mate and Alexander stormed out

He glared at Amaros who is staring at where Alexander walked out with a bored expression. If Aeneas didn't need him he would be dead right now, he only knows how to destroy things, what made him open his mouth saying things that are bullshit. Aeneas stood straight sensing something bad as he walked out of the kitchen, he stopped in his tracks when he found out where the danger was coming from his parents house. Aeneas created a portal immediately getting into his parents house "Mom" he called searching through the house, trying to smell the danger when Alexander appeared beside him "What are you doing here?"

"My father invited me here" Aeneas almost felt his heart stop as he started running throughout the entire house calling out his mom and dad with Alexander following behind not understanding what was happening. Aeneas has put a protective spell on the house but it seems to have been broken, he stopped running when two smells appeared outside of the house into the garden, he created a portal that brought him in the garden right away  to find Barachiel with Juliet in his arms a knife around her neck "Father what are you doing?" Alexander asked when he reached the garden but Barachiel didn't spare him a glance

Barachiel's eyes were still on Aeneas glaring at him, and just seeing his face the only thing he can remember us all the shed blood if his family.

"Mom" Aeneas called ignoring Barachiel's. Juliet looked at her son with fear in her eyes while shaking her head as if telling him to run "Just look at me, it will be okay" Aeneas knows she isn't getting out of this alive, the least he could do was comfort her as she goes "It is just the two of us here and we will get out of this trust me"

Aeneas: the underground king Man*ManΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα