Araminta did a double take at Clara's lack of formality, and while she pursed her lips, she didn't chastise her. "Please, Clara," Araminta begged. "We're only able to spend the whole day together when my parents are out and she has the day off, which doesn't happen that often."

Clara struggled with herself. On one hand, she wanted to help Araminta with this, and getting to spend time with Harrison certainly wasn't the worst thought. But so many things could go wrong, and Clara still felt bad about lying to him.

"Fine!" she finally said. "But you can't leave this room. At all."

"Brilliant, thank you, Clara," Araminta said.

Clara didn't know how Araminta would be able to convince Andani how she managed to both come and go without him noticing, but that wasn't Clara's problem. She was sure Araminta could figure something out, and it's not like Andani would argue with her.

"Can you go let Lucretia know to come up here?" Araminta asked. "And then go down to the transport dock."

"Of course, my lady." Clara rolled her eyes as she walked down the hallway to go find Lucretia. A messenger mouse would be just as efficient.

After Clara delivered the news to Lucretia, who looked confused but hurried away anyway, Clara sped toward the transport dock. She wanted to get there before Harrison arrived, so Andani wouldn't say anything about Araminta actually being present in the house.

Clara breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the transport hadn't arrived yet.

"Araminta send you down here to greet him?" Andani asked when he saw her.

"No, actually," Clara lied. "I haven't seen her today. I don't think she's here."

"Well, I haven't seen her leave."

Clara shrugged. "Maybe she slipped out unnoticed. This is her ship, after all. She must know how to go around unseen if she wants to."

"I suppose."

It was a weak explanation, but Andani had no proof otherwise. "This young man certainly has poor timing," Andani commented. "This is the second time he's shown up and she's not here, right?"

"Yes, I suppose," Clara murmured.

"What are you going to tell him?"

"I guess the same as last time," Clara said. "Ask if he wants to wait and then go from there."

"He does seem like a dedicated young man."

"He does."

The transport arrived, and Harrison stepped out. He carried a brown package underneath his arm.

"Welcome back to the Llewelyn manor," Clara greeted him.

"Thank you, Clara. Hello, Andani," Harrison greeted.

Andani gave a nod back and watched the two of them leave the room.

"Clara, I have to say, you wear the same expression on your face whenever I show up at an inopportune moment," Harrison commented. "Which leads me to believe that Lady Araminta is not here?"

"I'm afraid not, sir. Er, Harrison."

He didn't look surprised, but he didn't look particularly disappointed, either. "How is she?" he asked. "I know the last time we saw each other didn't exactly go smoothly."

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