canon lore part 2

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Scientist: A-0002-a, or better known as project Aoosa, we managed to track down scientist 8919210 from the last subject.

Scientist: we have entered the cave, where she should be, and like said before there is high levels of radiation.

Scientist: found a pool of toxic waste, but there is a plant in it?

Scientist: this will be the last public document, the toxic waste looks like it's mixed with some type of aurantiifolia juice? Powder? Seeds?

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Scientist: this will be the last public document, the toxic waste looks like it's mixed with some type of aurantiifolia juice? Powder? Seeds?

Scientist: that plant shouldn't be able to survive let alone grow into a hybrid of animals and plants, there is now a factory above us called "LEMACA INC." but it's all about limons, and going off of what we know from these expirments is someone or something is making human limon hybrids out of radioactive aurantiifolia human species, that was only found underground.


Yessssss yessssss yes queen juicy lore

ore lore lore lore lore is epic, I mainly do this cuz nothing else to draw epic

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