Home (part 2 of Into the unknown)

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"it's close since multiple people come out and will activate again after 24 hours" Bryan explained

"then what we gonna do while we wait for the portal to reopen?" Lefty asked

"we could all just stay here but I don't think Bryan can survive without food or water" Freddy said "seeing those bottles are potions" Freddy then look at the bottles with different color water

Bryan had an idea about something but he'll surely going to hate to do it, and he could tell his animatronics would hate the idea as well but it was the best idea they could have in this situation, so he's risking it

"I have an idea we could used" Bryan said getting they're attention

"and that idea be?" Freddy said raising an eyebrow

"we can go to......." Bryan trailed off then sigh "we can go to pack Haven and stay they're" Bryan suggested of course the animatronics didn't take that to well

"we are not going they're!!" Molten shouted

"but Molten it's the only idea we have" Bryan said countering back

"we have other ideas we could think, so we could not go they're!!" Freddy shouted

"but Freddy we literally have no more ideas for this situation this is the best we could do, and we can't stay here all day or night" Bryan said countering back again

This of course leave the 3 animatronics unable to counter back since they really have no choice, but they hated the idea since they're going to the place that hurted they're cinnamon roll/son

Both three looked at each other then sigh, they really don't have a choice now do they? They looked back at Bryan seeing him wait for they're answer

"alright will do this idea" Freddy said making Bryan smile "but if something happened we will leave immediately" Freddy added Bryan nodded

"I'm okay with that" Bryan said agreeing to the deal

"alright then buddy lead the way" Lefty said going to Bryan's left side as Freddy went to the right and Molten behind

Bryan nodded and they started walking out of the place, not forgetting to grab some stuff from Bryan's pile of collection just in case they got attack or something worse might happen


While walking to Pack Haven Bryan started telling them on how amazing the pack was and how amazing everyone live they're and what they do they're, then it of course got to the part where a bitch- I mean a girl named Lily came across

And let just say she's a total bitch cause all she did in Pack Haven was caused trouble and not even help at all and would mess up with everyone while they where doing stuff, this literally made everyone want to kick her out of the pack or basically straight to the point on just kill her instead

Bryan was the most one who had to deal with her bullshit as Lily was constantly making things hard for Bryan and he was always getting scolded on from Mario for not doing it right or causing messed that aren't even his fault

The only person Lily was nice to is Mario as the bitch literally had a crush on him and wanted to ruin Bryan and Mario's relationship, and she succeeded at it as Mario was slowly believing everything she said to the point Mario completely believe her, and broke up with Bryan and no longer believe him to Mario kicking him out of the pack and him leaving the dimension to start a new life

This literally made them so angry that they could kill anyone that just basically come in they're way without feeling guilty, and if they ever met that Mario person oh they'll make sure he won't see the daylight again, they're actually already planning a way to murder Mario

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