14|| Last Exam

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The Year had went by fastly and now they were at almost the End of The year. Which meant only One Thing.


Exams were stressful. Even for People at Hogwarts. But thankfully Today was the Last one for this year.

Our Third years who had selected Divination this year were seen to be making their way towards The classroom.

The other third years who had selected Ancient Runes instead of Divination were giving Charms today as The Divination selected students had given Charms when they had Ancient Runes.

Which Accordimg to Blair Lestrange was "unfair" as they got more time to prepare.

Jennie could be seen standing with the said Blair while their friend Alexandra or Alexa, as they call her, was rambling anxiously outside of The Classroom where everyone was asked to be before the Exam began.

"What is this? Oh my god this doesn't even make sense? How do you tell future with tea leaves? What if the leaves don't even make a shape? Oh Merlin save me. I am going to fail-" and it continued till Blair put a stop to it by saying,

"Just make some shit up, tell a story that ends with someone dying. Trelawney will buy it"

"Can you even get away with it. Won't she figure it out?" Alexa asked curiously.

"Believe me she won't." Blair replied with a Mischievous glint.

"Jen, you're good at this divination, do you think Blair's idea would work?" Alexa asked Jennie who was leaning against the wall watching the both of them with A smile on her face.

"I think You'll pass the Exam with flying colours, only If you stop asking for Advice from my Dear Cousin Sister who didn't even attend the Class throughout the year," She replied sweetly while putting a hand on the shoulder of Blair who now had a scowl on her face.

"I attended Divination," Blair argued while shrugging Jennie's arm of her shoulder.

"Only attending the first class of the year doesn't count," Jennie bit back. "You bunked every Divination class after that," she added.

"Whatever it was a Stupid class anyways. I took it because it's Easier than Ancient Runes," Blair replied while folding her hands.

"Anyways let's just get done with this," Alexa said while looking a tad bit Green or it could be the lighting.

And the Exam began.

One By One Students had to go inside and give The Exam while the Others waited for their turn.

Students had to go Inside in Alphabet- vise order of Their Last names. First inside had been Hannah Abbott to go inside and the Door closed behind her.

After A few people it would be Her turn. But she was Confident almost Self- Assured that she would Get the Highest grade but she stayed silent, thinking and Revising in her head.

They syllabus was Easy Enough, it consisted of:

● Tasseography or Tasseomancy was the Method of Predicting Future with the use of Tea Leaves to predict the Future.

●Palmistry which was the Art of Predicting through the study of the Palm.

●Crystal- Gazing was the Art of looking into The Crystal ball to get insights of the Future.

●Fire Omens also known as Pyromancy was the Art of burning different type of Herbs to see prophetic signs in the Flames.

'Easy enough' Jennie thought.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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