6|| Dogs and Dreams

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Third person Pov

The first trip to Hogsmeade was here. Visiting all those shops, eating all the candies from Honeydukes, buying all the pranking stuff fron Zonkos. Its all a third year student was excited for.

But, Jennie couldn't go, aunt Andromeda had refused to let her go, just becuase her father escaped, and tonks agreed to her.

Can you believe them, trying to stop her from Visiting Hogsmeade when all her friends were going to go just because of a Father who wouldn't even bother looking for her.

Jennie felt so devastated, afer the last DADA class, somehow Everyone knew she was the Mass Murderer's daughter, and this news spread like fire, everyone were giving her mean glares and gossiping about her. Except for her Fellow slytherins.

Now, she couldn't even go to Hogsmeade because of him, oh how she hated him. Daphne and Draco had promised her that they would bring candies for her.

Draco had been acting very kindly with her since the DADA class. Whenever someone would say something to her, he would come and protect her, even though she didn't need it, she felt happy knowing that her Brother was there for her.

Right now, she was among the crowd in front of proffesor Mcgonagall, who was collecting Hogsmeade permission slips. She was just there saying Bye to her friends.

"I promise to bring you, your favourite candies Jen. Cheer up now, by the way, even Potter isn't going to Hogsmeade so Atleast you won't be alone" daphne said with suggestive eyes and winked at me before leaving.

Which I rolled my eyes to. Daphne always thought I had a crush on the boy who lived. Which I don't. I definitely don't.

Gladly draco didnt hear that. After they were gone. I went to the slytherin common room, to get my book from the dorms, and then I went straight into the forest where I normally sit alone.

After a while a Black dog came, near her going. She found the dog extremely familiar even though she had never even saw it. After playing with it for a while and collecting her books She went towards the Castle.

Looking at the sky which was filled with dark clouds, looking like it would rain. She thought
"Hopefully it doesn't rain A Quidditch match is coming soon"

When she came in, daphne came running towards her with A worried expression and said.
"Jen, we'll be sleeping in the great hall, because...."
"Because what?" Jennie asked.

"Because your stupid father came in the castle and tried to get in the griffindor common room" A griffindor sneered.

"No one asked you bitch. Don't you have have friends, obviously you don't, because you wouldn't have to go around listening to other people's conversations" snapped Jennie.

That shut her up, jennie realised this girl as the same Lavender Brown she had seen giggling in Divination the other day.

After everyone was settled down. Jennie was sleeping between Daphne and you won't believe who

Harry James Potter.


hile jennie laid there wide awake. She remembered that she was sleeping beside to the boy who lived. Not getting any sleep, she tries to talk to him

Jennie's pov

I just can't fall asleep. UGH! Even daph is asleep, maybe harry is awake. I can't believe I am this bored to talk to him. I slowly turn to my side trying to figure out if he is sleeping or not.

I noticed that he was turning to his side to, I think trying to figure out the same thing, if the other is awake or not. We instantly made eye contact and by the speed of light it was broken.

I didn't know what to say anymore, I froze. I was mostly nervous because, Once in second year he rejected to talk to me just because I was a slytherin. After that I hated him. But right now.

What could possibly go wrong? Him refusing and ranting about how slytherins are evil. Eh, not the worst I've had.

"Hi, I am harry" he suddenly whispered looking towards me. "I'm Jennie" I said whispering back to him.

After that we both didn't say a thing and frankly I didn't care, he was a git anyways.

After I fell asleep, a short while later, this weird feeling came up. It was quite weird, even though I am sleeping it feels like I am awake.

Suddenly the room became dark, then I was in a whole another room, with...a man that looked like a rat? And The Dark lord

Everything feels like it happened in the past, because You-know-who hadn't risen yet. Then they started talking more like the memory started playing.

"What news do you have Wormtail?" hissed Voldemort.

"Master, the prophecy, is either about the child of the longbottoms or the potters, but as you see the potter's is a half blood, so there is a less chance that the prophecy is about him. But there is no clue found where the longbottoms are hiding" said that rat looking man.

"Very well wormtail, you must turn into your animagus form and find out where they are hiding"  said voldemort in his snake like voice. Then 'wormtail turned into a rat? Great..the rat looking like man is called 'wormtail' and he's an Animagus which is also a Rat.

I came out of the memory or vision, whatever the hell that was. It was completely normal around. Everyone was normally sleeping. But, I felt like this was important in the near future.

I decided to not tell anyone about this, not even Daph. But, after that I just couldn't fall asleep, so I just laid there, drifting in and out of sleep and after a while I just fell asleep.


Written on: Feb 2021
Edited on: 11 April 2023

982 words


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