4|| Buckbeak

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Jennie pov

Me along with everyone else are headed towards the Care of Magical Creatures Class.I still can't believe that dumbledore hired Hagrid to teach us.

Anyways it's gonna be fun to see him mess up. Let's be honest he is a good gate keeper but as a Proffessor, I don't think so.

Well The Boys have planned that they are gonna try to tease Hagrid. I personally think that he is gonna have a hard time anyways why bother him, but as usual none of them listened.

I bet you by the end of it someone will be hurt, change my name if I'll be wrong.

Future me: I'm never wrong *evil laugh*

"Talk less now, gather around kids and open page number 49 now" Hagrid said. (Sorry i ain't doing the accent)

"How are we supposed to do that?" Malfoy asked, does he even know anything, God. "Just stroke the spine" Hagrid said to everyone and obviously neville didn't listen.

Immediately after he opened it, the book practically jumped on him, it was quite horrifying and funny to see a book trying to eat a Human.

"Wait, till my father hears about what kind of teachers dumbledore has kept" Draco said being the father's pet he is.

"Shut up malfoy", the famous Harry Potter said. Not gonna lie he looked hot saying it, and yes I did just say that but I would never admit it in front of anyone ever.

Then suddenly the boys start mimicking an owl, with their hoods up mocking Harry.

Draco suddenly starts acting all scared and yells "DEMENTOR!! DEMENTOR!!"

I was standing with Daphne, Blair and Alexa, we just looked at each and rolled our eyes, not wanting to believe we even talk to these idiots.

Then all of them except crabbe put on their hoods, and all of them together start acting like ghosts, great.

Then hagrid comes from his Hut and clears his throat and says

"Ta-da isn't he amazig, meet buckbeak"

"But hagrid what is he?" Asks Ron, if only he had read the book before he would have known such simple information.

"Buckbeak is a Hippogriff, and first of all Hippogriffs are very prideful creatures, get mad very easily. If you insult him, it would probably be your last mistake. So now who would like to say hello to him?"

Everyone slightly starts stepping backwards, but I for one stayed ahead, daphne was trying to pull me back, but I liked magical creatures, and wanted to give it a try. Poor potter got left ahead as other students went backward. So, it was Me and Harry.

"Very good harry and jennie." That's when realization hit potter and he looked around, poor him, he just got betrayed by his friends.

"Now come forward, now come slowly and bow and wait till he bows and then come and touch him and if he doesn't well, will see later about that" Hagrid said.

"Now come forward slowly and bow, a little bit more. Suddenly buckbeak started flapping his wings. "Go backward fast."
Hagrid said, it was quite obvious by his voice that we was panicking. Merlin, this is why I didn't want him to be A Teacher.

While we were stepping backwards stupid potter stepped on a twig and it snapped. Hermine made an audible gasp that almost everybody heard.

"Dont move, don't move" instructed hagird. We froze right where we were and slowly buckbeak started bowing.

"Very good Harry and Jennie, now you can go and touch him, don't be shy."

Hagrid was clearly happy as buckbeak bowed back. Harry and I started stretching our hands to touch buckbeak, and he made a move trying to bite us. I was quite nervous to be honest now.

Buckbeak started heading towards us as well. When we finally touched him, his fur was so soft and fluffy.

"Brilliant Jennie and Harry. Now he should let you fly on him." Um...what!!

Suddenly hagird picked me and sat me on buckbeak, and did the same thing to harry while he was protesting like a baby.
"Don't pull a wing, he won't like it. Now off you go" and then buckbeak started flying.

It was really fun watching Hogwarts this way, Everything seemed so beautiful. Then we were over the black lake and Harry and I both opened up our hands and enjoyed every moment of it. Then hagrid whistled, and we came down to the ground back again. Everyone was clapping.

Then Draco being as Obnoxious as he is came towards Buckbeak and said "Who says he is dangerous, I'll show this ugly chicken."

Then suddenly he was on the ground getting attacked by buckbeak. While hagrid tried to control buckbeak, Draco was rolling on the ground in pain saying "Its killed me, it's killed me."

"Hagird he needs to go to the hospital wing." Suprisingly it was Granger who said that. All the way along draco was over acting.. a lot.


Now we all were doing the Assignments given by Proffesors. But Me, Daph, and Theo were discussing our classes, as the good students we are, had done the assignments already.

"Can you do this work for me" said Draco to Pansy. Not gonan lie, she is Lovesick and can't see how Draco isn't treating her right.

"HE HAS BEEN SEEN, SIRIUS BLACK HAS BEEN SEEN!" Said a Griffindor who if I am not wrong is Seamus Finnigan, famous for blowing up his face.

"Dovetown, that isn't very far away" said Hermione.
"He won't come to Hogwarts, will he?"stuttered Neville.
"Even when Dementors are here?"
"He's escaped Dementors before, it wouldn't be hard for him to do it again."
"You're right, Black can be anywhere."

Hearing all of this made Jennie sick, knowing He is out there somewhere maybe looking for her made her anxious. But she knew her Father all too well, he would try to find Harry Potter first and then look for her.

He was always fond of Potters more, it was his thing to leave his own family for the Potters...

Author's Note:-

Hope you all are Excited for Remmy and His Boggart lesson in the upcoming DADA chapter and How do you think Jennie will feel about Sirius entering in Hogwarts.


Written on: February 2021
Edited on: 11 APRIL 2023



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