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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 524: King of Songs
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 524: King of Songs
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Jiang Chengfeng couldn't help grinning when Xiao Ke'er praised himself so.

However, Liu Ye noticed the comments of some fans in the comment area, who were discussing who the "so-called male singer" refers to by Xiao Kerer.

She also felt that when Xiao Ke'er said this sentence, his tone was a little ironic.

Magnum fans soon went to various possibilities with gossip, and they thought it was related to "Song of King of Hegemony".

Xiao Kerer is currently participating in the "Song of Kings" competition. This is a super hot music competition show. So far, it has been held for four seasons, one season a year, and the ratings of each season have topped all music variety shows. Xiao Kerer participated in the fifth season, which was officially launched in early November.

Each season, the program group invites 7 singers who are already well-known or well-known but a little too old to participate in the competition, but never invited online singers.

Xiao Ke'er was the first.

Xiao Ke'er was originally an internet celebrity like Liu Ye. No matter how much her previous songs were loved by netizens, she could not change her "birth" label.

But after meeting Liu Ye in the music tavern, her fate seemed to have turned a corner. Not only did she become more and more popular on the Internet, but she also met Xue Yunfei and Ye Zi'an to sing the ending of the movie.

In September of this year, shortly after the release of "The Wind", Xiao Ke'er suddenly announced that she would terminate the contract with the previous small record company and moved to the capital Xinchen Records Company-a company invested by Xue Yunfei. Million liquidated damages.

But she thinks this one million is worth it, because following Xue Yunfei, her star journey is getting wider and wider. Xue Yunfei helped her make her first album "Flying Birds" since her debut. "Flying Birds" includes a total of 8 songs, all composed and written by Xiao Ke'er himself. There are 4 arrangements by Xue Yunfei. The title song "Flying Birds" of the same name is in contrast to the old folk style of Xiao Kerer. The accompaniment instrument is mainly Western music. This song is arranged by Xue Yunfei. He added a lot of American folk elements, and the whole style is warm and brisk. .

This album was released more than a month ago, and 200,000 copies have been sold so far, not 200,000. However, under the premise of the current record-breaking record industry, an influencer album can sell this number. It's really a very impressive achievement.

It was precisely because "Flying Bird" was sold that the director of "Song of King of Hegemony" noticed Xiao Ke'er. It happened that Xue Yunfei's partner Huo Ming had a relationship with the director of "Song of King Hegemony". He helped matchmaking and Xiao Ke'er became this. One of the season's participating singers.

Being able to appear on the stage of "Song of King of Songs" is tantamount to proving that Xiao Ke'er's efforts and efforts have not been in vain over the years, and also proves her transformation success.

Xiao Ke'er finally got rid of the title of internet celebrity singer, and he was no different from the real singer. She cherishes this opportunity, doing various preparations for the show one month in advance, writing songs, choosing songs, practicing singing ... and even shedding some profitable commercials.

The fifth season of "Song of King of Fighters" is recorded and broadcasted once a week. It will be broadcast on prime time on Saturday evening. So far, it has broadcast two shows. The disparity between the contestants and the ages of the participating singers has led to a very stringent competition system and an extremely fierce performance. The over-the-top singers are not willing to be suppressed by their rising stars who are not as famous as themselves, and the rising stars want to borrow this show. , Expand their fame, no one is allowed to each other.

The current five games of the festival are regular seasons, and each of the 7 singers will sing two songs, one of their own masterpiece, and one of the other singer's songs.

In the past four seasons of "Song of King of Hegemony", the competition judges have been divided into two parts, one is an audience judge group consisting of 500 audiences on site, and the other is a review group consisting of three consultant teachers. The ratio of the two is 9 to 1. In other words, the scores given by the review team have little effect, and the audience's preference is the most important. This also eliminates the possibility of shady and black-box operations. Unless the singer can buy all the live audience, it is difficult to be different in each audience.

The last singer of each game will be eliminated, and the next one will have a new singer substitute to ensure that 7 singers will compete in each game.

However, starting from the fifth quarter of this year, the program group has added a new group of judges-the network group. Each show is broadcast on the online live broadcast platform at the same time. There is a voting option under the video, and Internet viewers will cast their favorite one. Singers, in order to prevent singers from maliciously drawing votes, the technology limits each ID, each IP, and each mobile phone can only cast once.

The audience group, network group and review group's rating ratio becomes: 6: 3: 1.

This new judging rule is greatly beneficial to Xiao Kerer. She is from the Internet celebrity and has a good "mass foundation". She has participated in the recording of two games. After the program was broadcast, the number of each component of her network was First place.

As for the overall results, she ranked fifth in the first game ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ She ranked fourth in the second game, and her ranking gradually improved. Xiao Kerer did not dare to relax her vigilance. As a result, she did not know the next game Who the substitute singer is, the other singers are staring at her with stare.

In particular, there is a male singer named Xia Chuan. He is only one year older than Xiao Ke'er. He graduated from the Department of Popular Music of the Capital Conservatory of Music a few years ago. He is considered as Liu Xue and Tang Tu. Because of the introduction of a famous teacher, his music The road is very smooth. Every album released since their debut has attracted much attention. Several singles have won many awards. He is a typical orthodox singer, and also one of the younger and better male singers.

On the stage of the same competition, Xia Chuan was very friendly to Xiao Ke'er, but his sister called it very hot. Moreover, Xia Chuan was handsome and handsome, and he was the school grass of the Conservatory when he was a student. Therefore, when he interacted with Xiao Ke'er, the fans on both sides had a sense of CP with pink bubbles. Many fans of Xiao Ke'er asked if she had anything to do with Xia Chuan.

Xiao Ke'er was in her heart. She couldn't tell everyone that Xia Chuan on the stage judged her like two people. As soon as she stepped out of the camera, he changed her face. Not only did she ignore her, she even gave her a look. There is a meaning in her bones that looks down on her, as if participating in the same game with a net red is tarnishing her identity.

Xiao Ke'er knows that other participating singers may think so, but at least they also installed it on the surface.

He ignored himself, but Xiao Ke'er was too lazy to ignore him!

From Xiao Ke'er's point of view, Xia Chuan's vocal talent is very ordinary. She feels that he can ignite, relying solely on shape packaging, relationship operation, and song advantages. Moreover, the songs he sings are all written by others.

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