[fluff] hjs - rain

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genre: fluff
member: jisung
tw: thunderstorm, physical contact (nonsexual), light swearing, ticking
pronouns used: they/them
gender indentity and/or sex: not used or implied
word count: 1321

running into the house, y/n and jisung had just gotten caught in the rain while out on an afternoon walk. the pair had started walking together a few months back, mainly to get an excuse to see each other more often, although they lived together, but the exercise, sunlight, fresh air, scenery, and the occasional stop at a market made the event all the more sweet. the droplets had begun as a light sprinkle, a quite nice addition to the unusually hot summer day, but quickly transformed into water pelting into the pavement, and only continued to grow more violent as time went on. fortunately, they made it before the thunder, but they didn't escape the inevitable soak of the sky. they were both drenched, laughing in surprise at the situation, cold, and standing in the opening hallway to their home.

"hold on, i'll go get some towels" jisung stated, and before y/n could revolt as to them going to retrieve the material, he was gone. he was sure to return quickly, though.

"here, hopefully you're not too cold"
"jisung, we're both shaking, it's okay, it's just water"
"well at least it's nothing boiling hot outside anymore"
they both chuckled in agreement, and further agreed to part ways to shower separately, as they felt more content that way. (a/n: and that's perfectly okay!!! boundaries are healthy and normal in any kind of relationship whatsoever and they should always be respected!!!)

y/n, now laying on the quite comfortable couch, had an equally as comfortable navy blue blanket wrapped around them, waiting patiently, but intensively for jisungs arrival.

"ahh, sorry i took so long, love, i genuinely couldn't decide which pajamas to wear" he explained, beginning to sit on the couch and softly cooing at fact that the only part of y/n showing was the upper half of their face and the soft, white socks they wore.

"it's okay, we match!" they proclaimed, promptly opening the blanket to allow jisung to get a view of the outfit.

both wore simple outfits, yet perfect for the evening: white socks, black sweatpants, and lavender sweaters that were on the thinner side, due to the fact that it was still summer, and the heat would unfortunately return very soon.

after jisung played along and enthusiastically reacted to the fact that the pair were, indeed  matching, he asked the question that y/n had been honestly hoping and waiting for:
"is it okay if we cuddle?" he started, "please don't pressure yourself. if you're not feeling it, that's perfectly okay! you don't have to push yourself to do something you don't want t-"
"i'd love to!!" they exclaimed, once again opening the blanket and inviting jisung to join.

"would you like to watch tv or youtube or would you rather talk or sleep or play a board game, what would you like to do, ji?"
"i think i'd just like to talk, if that's all right"
"that's perfect."

too wrapped in each other, they hadn't really noticed that the rain was at its most violent point, hopelessly speeding up erosion as it pelted the side walk and the asphalt. the thunder had started and since become more violent, occasionally illuminating the room with flashes of lightning that the pair didn't pay too much mind to.

after 40 minutes or so of just open-hearted, but not too serious conversation, they had naturally fallen into a comfortable silence. with jisung softly caressing y/n's hand, he looked up at them, and exclaimed: "you're truly wonderful. what did i ever do to deserve someone like you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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