~*Are You Serious~*

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"Okay I am down with him he is a fucking Liar" Alex said while getting dressed in the morning. She did her usual routine and heading too school with Ella. They seen Leo and he came up too them but Alex just kept Walking. "What did I do Ella?" Leo asked and Ella just looked at him and said "Watch your Items" and walked off. He shook his head in confusion and walked away. (Couple of days went by) *On the phone* I have too come over too tutor you let's just get this done with. He gets dressed while driving over too Alex and parks about too get out and sees her hugging a guy and him picking her up and kissing her. He open the car door and slammed it walking up too them and pushing him on the ground. "BRO WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU ARE YOU CRAZY?!" The guy shouted. "YO LEO WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU" Alex shouted while grabbing his arm and pulling him back The guy got up and ran off. He turned too look at Alex with a confused look on his face pissed off. "Leo wtf is wrong with you you have too chill out go fuck Elizbeth or some shit you have other people" As soon as she said that it started pouring down rain.  

Leo turned and yelled at her "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS ALL OF THIS IS ABOUT ELIZBETH?!..Do you fucking know I hate that fuck girl SHE CHEATED ON WITH MY BEST FRIEND.." Leo shouted at her with water pouring down on him. "I..Your a liar you do this with every girl you probably lied about everything you told me..." Alex replied while crying. "You know what Alex I am sorry too tell you but I have never loved anyone as much as I loved you..But I was fucking stupid too fall for you because in the end I am always the bad guy RIGHT ALEX ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT" Leo said while tearing up. "WERE YOU WITH HER THAT WHOLE DAY?" She said too him. He looked at her "YES BUT IT WASN'T FUCKING LIKE THAT I AM TRYING TOO BE A BETTER PERSON FOR YOU TELL ME WHAT ELSE I CAN DO TOO MAKE YOU BELIEVE THAT I LOVE YOU?" He said "Tell me..Your Never gonna trust me.." He looked at her and tilted his head. She looked at him "Trust you?" She replied with a confused voice "You think that I should trust you..?" She kept saying. "Yes!" Leo replied while tearing up more staring at her. "WHERE HAS THAT EVER GOTTEN ME?" She screamed at him. He looked at her and said "Your never gonna forgive me are you..Your just gonna keep bringing that up every time." He said looking at her deeply. "Because I don't trust you!" She replied eagerly. He started at her for a min and finally said "You act like your so fucking innocent..You act like your perfect." He said while pointing at her. "You know what fuck this.!" He shouted "And FUCK YOU TOO!" He said while walking away. "Fuck you too she whispered. "FUCK OFF" He said while flipping her off tears rolling down his face..

~*His Eyes~*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin