~*We Meet Again*~

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"Thank god it's time for lunch" Alex sighed "ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEXXXXXXXXXX" Alex slowly turned her head to see who was causing a scene "Oh Hello Ella" She replied (BITCHES THEY GRABBED THEIR LUNCHES AND SAT THE FUCK DOWN) "So how was your first day so far?" Ella asked. It was okay I guess besides this morning" she replied. (Alexandra Too The Principles Office Please And Thank You) Everyone turned to her and said "OOoooooooooooooooo" Alex looked at them all and glared. "Good luck..." Said Ella as she patted her on the back. Alex soon arrived at the principles office "Oh you finally arrived Ms.Alexandra I am Mr. Johnson the principal here"
Oh well hello, am I in trouble"  Alex Replied with her head tilted. "Well not exactly I was looking at your grades from the other school and it seems as if you need some help with some of the classes" The principal answered. "Oh yeah, I did struggle sometimes since last year wasn't the best time for me..." She said as she looked down. "Well you're in luck I've found someone to tutor you. The principal said with excitement. "Oh, yippy!" Alex said sarcastically. "He should be arriving any minute now. As soon as he said there was a knock at the door. "Oh come on in!" Alex tilted her head. As a tall guy walks in...

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