best friend! Five headcanons ☕🥛🍵

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• Acts like your big brother despite being actually three months older than him

• Always wary of people you talk to

• Especially if they're strangers

• "Who were you with at Griddy's earlier?" he asked with a stern expression on his face as he seemed to be focused on the newspaper in his hand

• "What the hell, Five? You're following me around now, huh?"

• "I don't like him."

• "You don't like anyone, you nitwit."

• Would later prove to be correct about the people he didn't like

• "I told you so."

• "Geez, Y/N. Grow up. We're not kids anymore."

• Despite his condescending words, he would open his arms wide for you to cry into

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• Despite his condescending words, he would open his arms wide for you to cry into

• Wouldn't mind the slightest when you get snot on his jacket

• Would often get in an argument with you because you accuse him of not trusting you or your judgment

• But its not you he doesn't trust, it's the world

• He knows just how sh*tty people can be, and he doesn't want you to end up broken just like him and his siblings

• But of course, he would never voice his real reason out loud

• Would let his concern and care for you manifest in his actions, no matter how indifferent they may seem to you

• Would make it up to you by offering to watch your favorite movie (despite how much it would make him gag) or taking you to your favorite food place

• Wouldn't get pissed off at you too easily because his patience has already been tried and tested by his insolent siblings

• But if you do manage to anger him, he would merely give you the silent treatment (no looking, no talking)

• You would mend things by brewing him his favorite coffee blend, with a peanut butter-marshmallow sandwich to the side

• You would mend things by brewing him his favorite coffee blend, with a peanut butter-marshmallow sandwich to the side

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• And of course, downright apologizing

• His lips would slightly tug up at the notion of your efforts, and in a few minutes, you would be talking again

• Both of you would never let a day pass with you mad or disappointed at one another

• Not an ideal companion for night-outs, especially those involving games and all the fun stuff

• "I don't get how this works."

• "I have pubic hair smarter than this game."

• "What is the purpose of this?"

• But is definitely the type of friend who will bring you medicine, pads and comfort food when you have your period

• "I got you strawberry ice cream, your favorite."

• "Here, drink some painkillers."

• "I didn't know what brand you use so I got one of everything they had there, so..."

• Is the type of friend who isn't very expressive, affectionate and vivacious, but one who would go through hell an high water for the people he cares about

• Especially you, his best friend

• Especially you, his best friend

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