partners-in-crime ☕🥛

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Plot summary: One mission takes an unlikely turn that changes that way Y/N and Five perceive each other.

"There must be a mistake. We just got back from a mission, and now I get stuck with this imbecile for another one?" Y/N asks The Handler as she shows her the memo she had just received a few minutes ago.

Five simply stood beside her and shot her his signature murderous smile. "You might want to assess who's the real imbecile between us, Y/L/N."

Y/N shot him a glare. "Shut up, Hargreeves."

"Both of you, shut up." The Handler barked, their bickering beginning to get on her nerves. The white-haired woman stirred her coffee without looking them in the eyes.

"I have received several complaints from your department about your immature and constant arguments. There was even one instance where your pathetic quarrels got out of hand-"

"The lamp was definitely her fault." Five interjected.

Y/N scoffed in disbelief. "Wow, so I was the one who slammed the lamp on the table specifically named 'Mr. Five'. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're the imbecile-"

The Handler once again interrupted them by snatching the name plate on her desk and hurling it across the room, puncturing the wooden wall.

Both Y/N and Five fell silent, but occasionally exchanged deadly looks at each other.

"As I was saying..." she trailed off in her mock-sweet voice. "I've decided I need to relocate you, Y/N, to a different department."

Y/N opened her mouth to defend herself, but seeing the dangerous stare The Handler was giving her made her opt against doing so. Five smirked as he watched them.

"For the time being, expect that I will be sending you both out on missions much more frequently than before. I need you out of this office as much as possible before things finally... settle." The Handler spoke coolly, eyeing both her agents.

Sighing in defeat, Y/N scanned the paper in her hand. "This is it? A mere retrieval mission?" she asked incredulously, unamused by the task at hand.

Five seemed confused, as well. "So we just need to locate this letter? That's it?"

The Handler took a sip of her coffee as she hummed in agreement. "Locate and burn, emphasis on the last order. It is imperative that this letter be destroyed because once it reaches our target Henry Danvers, an alternate chain of events will take place, and we don't really want that, do we?"

Y/N laughed humorlessly. "No offense, but why not send those idiots Hazel and Cha-Cha to do this piece of cake? Clearly this is more their area of expertise than mine?"

It was Five's turn to scoff. "Oh, really now?"

Rolling her eyes, Y/N awaited the older woman's response. The Handler shook her head lightly. "I told you... I need to get you out of the office as much as possible because of the ruckus you two children keep causing here."

"Children?!" Y/N and Five exclaimed in unison, making them whip their heads and look at each other with utmost disgust. The Handler chuckled. "That's adorable, you agree on one thing."

Five pinched the bridge of his nose. This was not how he intended his day to go. "Fine. Give us the time and place."

The Handler pulled up a piece of paper from her jacket pocket and handed it to the young man, who rudely snatched it away from her.

Just as Y/N was about to peek over, Five crumpled the piece of paper and stomped on it, much to Y/N's irritation. With one last glare at The Handler, she followed Five as he left the office.

FIVE More Minutes // Imagines, Headcanons, and Preferences ☂Where stories live. Discover now