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11 2 12

I stare at the ceiling as water drips off it and touches my forehead. I know nothing is amusing about it and, I should probably move aside or get up and find some way to fix the leakage that's been on the ceiling for several months now. 

After an hour, reality brings me back to my senses and, I get up from my bed. It's raining outside. I sit by the window and watch a girl collecting raindrops in a bottle with a huge smile on her face. I'm absolutely out of work today as my job interview got postponed last night. So, I decided to grab a cup of coffee to boost up my non-existing energy.

As usual, I stare at the cafe's name. The Crime Cafe. But something is unusual today, there are cop cars outside of the cafe. I notice Lily waving at me with a terrified expression on her face. Did something happen in here?

As I enter the cafe, someone suddenly nudges me on the shoulder and says,

"You've finally arrived, our main suspect".

Then I glance around and see yellow duct tapes all over the place. It takes me a minute to realize that the cop is talking to me.

"I'm officer Morgan. You're Ms. Gomez, right?"

"Yes but the main suspect of what exactly?" I ask, keeping my voice as calm as possible.

"Murder", he says and my eyes almost pop out of their socket.

"Let's go to the police station first. Shall we?"

"How was your relation with Ms. Watson?"

"Great. Of course. She was my best friend! I would never do such a thing to her!" I yell with my shaky voice.

"I never said you did", he says, giving me the fakest smile I've ever seen till now.

"Can you please walk me through the last night's event that took place between you and Ms. Watson?" He asks coldly.

"Sure. I was at home last night, watching TV. Then she called me and asked me to meet her. Then I told her to come over to The Crime Cafe. She sounded paranoid. So, I got there as fast as I could", I explain.

"Why not at your place?"

"I— I told her but she refused to come over at my place", I say, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Don't skip any detail. Again", he warns and, I nod.

"And what time was it when she called you?"


"How much time it took you to reach the cafe?" He asks. As his questions keep going, I feel a lump growing in my throat.

"10 minutes", I say. My voice is nearly a whisper.

"What you guys talked about?"

"We barely talked. She looked terrified. Her lips were trembling. The whole time we talked, she kept whispering as if someone was eavesdropping on our conversation"

"What did she whisper about?"

"She said that someone was stalking her"

"How long were you guys there?"

"About 40-45 minutes", I say and, he crosses his arm over his chest, shaking his head as if he got a clue or something special.

"What happened then?"

"Suddenly all the lights went out and, she panicked even more. She kept saying that 'He is here!'. I tried my best to calm her down and, suddenly, I got a call from my father's assistant. There was no signal inside. So, I told her to wait inside and, I went outside to answer the call. He told me that dad was sick and he wants to see me. By the time I got inside the lights were back and, she was gone"

The Crime Cafe ( #coffeeshopsbrewstories )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum