"No it's not." she forced out after a moment's pause, she placed the hot chocolate down on the table in front of her suddenly not finding it as delicious as the man in front of her as she pulled her legs up and onto the sofa whilst taking her book in her hands, hoping to hide her blushing face behind its pages. Alena didn't look up from her book as she heard him place his mug gently on the table before the rustling of fabric could be heard and she guessed that he was removing his coat before he sat down with a heavy sigh that had Alena peaking over the top of her book to see he was watching her closely, his eyes displaying emotions she didn't know but she knew that he was watching her with an intense look on his face.

"I'm Samuel." he introduced after a moment as Alena placed her book on her lap and watched him curiously, the longing feeling she was still feeling was becoming unbearable.

"Alena." she sent him a small smile feeling suddenly shy as she remember how he had caught her shamelessly staring at him.

"Alena." he repeated more to himself than her but she still felt her heart pick up ever so slightly as a sensation she didn't understand began to gather in her lower stomach.

A silence fell between the two as Alena decided now was as good a time as any to test the hot chocolate that sat on the table as she leant forward and cupped the mug with two hands knowing is she didn't she wouldn't be able to resist the urge to touch him if she didn't. She brought the mug to her lips and sipped the hot chocolate, the warm liquid invaded her mouth and warmed her insides as she felt the whipped cream cover her upper lip and the tip the of her nose without realising it until it was too late. She flushed a deep red as she quickly placed the mug down as she a napkin close by to wipe her face, she should feel Samuel's eyes on her as she spared him a glance to see that he was watching her with mild amusement as she scrunched the now dirty napkin up and threw it on to the table feeling even more embarrassed. She was tired that's why she was acting like a fool and embarrassing herself she thought as a reasonable excuse.

"Um, you have a little." Samuel said as she looked at him to see her pointing to her nose. Oh Gosh she mentally slapped her hands across her face to cover her embarrassment as she cupped her nose and wiped away the cream, she was sure her face was a red as a tomato as she removed her hand.

"Thanks." she muttered as she hurriedly hide her face behind the book so that she couldn't embarrass herself further. She would have to call Lucy later and tell her everything that had happened and how much of a fool she had made herself out to be. Lucy was always more confident when it came to guys and Alena often stood to the side allowing her friend to work her magic on the guy and that was just how she liked it.

"You're welcome." she could hear the amusement and could only imagine how attractive the smile on his face would be. But she didn't look afraid of what effect it would have on her and her body that seemed to already belonging to the man in front of her rather than herself as it had when she walked into the coffee shop.

"Good book?" he asked unaware that Alena had been unable to focus on the book she was reading and often found her rereading the same line over and over again very aware of his presence as she felt so alive with him around.

"Its okay." she shrugged not looking up from the page, she didn't want to seem rude she just couldn't face looking at him anymore as she already knew that he would be haunting her dreams for a while. If he knew what she was thinking she was sure he'd of run a mile by now, after all they had only just meet and made small talk.

"Excuse me Miss?" a voice said as they both looked up to see the waiter that had served Alena her hot chocolate standing before them with another one in his hands. "This is for you." he said as he raised the cut in his hands.

"I didn't order another one." she mumbled as a frown appeared on her face, maybe the waiter had gotten to wrong table.

"It's from the gentlemen over there." he said as he pointed to the left of them, Alena followed the direction he was pointing to see that Daniel sat there with a huge smile spreading across his face when he saw that she was looking. Alena just gave him a confused look while a noise that sounded something like a growl sounded from where Samuel sat as I spun around to see him glaring at Daniel as if he was hoping to burn him.

"Hey Alena, I see you've meet my brother." Daniel said as he appeared beside them, the waiter had already placed the mug on the table and walked away.

"You- your brother?" Alena stuttered as she looked between the two only now noticing the similarities in the features, she felt her cheeks heat up for having such inappropriate thoughts about her friend's older brother.

"Yep." Daniel said as he sat beside her and sent a grin in Samuel direction, she know noticed how Samuel's once relaxed posture was now tense as his hands were balled into fists and he glared at his younger brother with such hate that it even had Alena shrinking back a little into her seat.

"I didn't know you had a brother." she mumbled feeling stupid for only know realising that she knew little to nothing about Daniel other than the basics.

"Now you do, anyway I better go, drink up before it gets cold." he said as she stood and walked out without a second glance. Alena frowned at his strange behaviour as she looked back at Samuel who looked a little more relaxed now that Daniel had gone.

"So you're his older brother?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

It seemed that Alena's simple question had set off a whole load of questions from him and she even found herself asking questions about him. She had found out that he was twenty two just like she had guessed and had taken over his father's business when he was twenty one, she knew that he liked wolves and for some strange reason she knew there was more to that statement that she had originally thought, it might have been due to the fact that she was half witch which meant she had to constantly be on edge for any sort or threat as well as on guard for keeping her secrets a secret from everyone other than her parents and Lucy.

"It was nice meeting you." Alena smiled up at Samuel as they stood a little bit away from the entrance to coffee shop after spending more than house talking to each other, she had felt completely at ease in his presence after the first few embarrassing moments and had even found herself laughing and smiling a lot. She had thought that since she had found out that Samuel was Daniel's brother it would be even more awkward but it hadn't and for some reason she liked the fact that he was Samuel's brother because it meant that she would defiantly be seeing him again.

"You to." he smiled down at her as Alena pulled her coat further around her body as a cold wind blew around them, Samuel seemed unaffected by the bitter weather as he stood tall and proud.

"Bye." she smiled once again and she began to walk off in the opposite direction and looked over to see him still watching her with a smile on his face, she sent him a small wave over her shoulder before hugging her bag closer to her side, she was excited to tell Lucy about Daniel's older brother and she was excited of the prospect of seeing him again. The feelings she had felt when she first laid eyes on him had stayed throughout their time, she was confused but also happy about them, she was excited to see him again. Very excited. She only hoped that Daniel wasn't mad at her for talking to his brother.

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