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Her ocean eyes glared down at the old leather suitcase, clothes overflowing as she tried to close it enough to zip it shut.

"Piece of shit." She cursed at it, jumping up and using her weight to try and close it. "This is the reason why magic exists."

"Hey, Grandma." Henry greeted her as he wandered into the backroom, staring at the suitcase with confusion. "Are you taking a trip?"

"Rumpel's taking me to New York for a proper Honeymoon." Celeste answered him, a blush dusting her cheeks as she thought about it.

"But the Snow Queen left a spell on the town line." He revealed, his voice sounding puzzled. "Anyone who goes can't return. Didn't you hear?"

"No, I must have missed it with all my pregnancy naps." She mumbled, wondering what her husband was planning. "But I'm sure he has some way to remove it." Her voice turned soft as she noticed the distant look on his face. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"This book." Henry placed the famous storybook on the desk between them. "It's got all your stories in it. It started all this. And my mum, lots of bad things happen to her in it."

"Well, that doesn't mean they'll always happen to her that way." She tried to reassure. "I wouldn't worry. She's on a much better path now. Trust me, I would know. I went from being her prisoner and being tortured in horrible ways to being her best friend."

"Thanks, Grandma."

"I love how funny that sounds." Celeste chuckled, smiling at her grandson. "I mean, there's only like ten years between us since I don't exactly age."

"Do you need help?" He gestured to the leather suitcase lying open on the desk.

"Yes, please!" She ruffled his hair as they searched the backroom for a second suitcase.

"You know, when you're in New York, you've gotta go to the Public Library." Henry informed her, climbing a ladder to look above all the cupboards and shelves. "No offense, but it blows the one here away. It's got these lions outside of it."

A loud clutter startled her, a small apology making her laugh as she found Henry stumbling off the ladder to clean up the random objects he accidentally dropped.

"Are you okay?" She laughed, quickly going over to help him while checking he wasn't injured.

"I found a suitcase." Henry lifted up a smaller suitcase with pride. The pair looked over the objects that fell, curious to what they all really were. "Huh. He really keeps some strange things here."

Her face dropped as she spotted a familiar gauntlet, one Rumpel had made her clean so many years ago.

"What's wrong?" He jumped up in fright, worried she was angry at him. "I'll clean it up."

"Don't worry, I've got it." Celeste waved her hand and cleaned the objects back above the cupboard. She reached down and picked the gauntlet up, examining it in her hands. "I just didn't expect to see this here."


Before the original curse

Celeste poured the tea into a cup and moved in front of him, standing close beside his chair.

"I think I figured out why you collect so many magical objects." She grinned to herself, folding her arms over her chest as he silently drank the tea. "You're trying to fill the hole in your heart left by the disappearance of your son."

"There's only one thing missing from my life right now." Rumpel grumbled, not wanting to discuss this with her. "Clean clothes."

He snapped his fingers, transporting her outside to the clothes lines. She glanced down at the embroidered cape he gave her, silently thanking him as a cool breeze nipped at her exposed arms.

"Bastard." Celeste gasped, sighing as she began to hang the bed linens out. "You're just upset because you know I'm right." She said out loud. "And, no, I am not talking to myself, because I know you can and do listen to me."

A puppy barking distracted her from her chores, a small dog sat behind the freshly hung sheets.

"Hello, puppy." She cooed, leaning down slowly to pat the dog. It ran off into the dark forest, Celeste not thinking twice as she ran after it, worried about its safety.

A scream escaped her lips as a hand covered her mouth, pulling her backwards. She tried yelling out for Rumpel but her screams went muffled.

Her wrists were bound by rope, a white cloth shoved in her mouth as she was taken far away from the castle.

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑳𝒀 - Rumplestiltskin [2]Where stories live. Discover now