forty nine

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Before the original curse

Celeste hummed an old tune, excitedly wandering around the castle. She threw open the glass doors of an old cabinet, grinning when she spotted a shiny sword. Her fingers stroked the sharp blade, admiring the patterned hilt.

"Don't cut yourself, dearie." His voice startled her, a giggle escaping his lips as he watched her almost drop the sword.

"I'm so, so sorry." She quickly apologised as she spun around to face him. "I thought-"

"You thought I would be away for a few more days and it would be fine to play with my toys." Rumpelstiltskin approached her and took the sword from her hand.

"Well, you did say that I-" Celeste tried to justify herself but he cut her off once more.

"Oh, I lied." He chuckled while dangerously stepping away. "I wanted to see how the mouse would play while the cat was away. And the mouse has done very little cleaning."

"You just have so many things here from all over the world." She became distracted by the artifacts around her. "I was curious. You never talk about any of them."

"No, you're the help." He reminded her with a smirk.

"And you're rude." She scoffed, waltzing up to him and poking a finger in his chest.

"Well, I could be much worse." Rumpel grinned down at her, leaning in so their faces were dangerously close.

"But you're not." Celeste teased, sitting on the table beside where he stood. "Look, you've seen the world, something that I've wanted to do, yet you share nothing."

"Mouthy, mouthy!" He chuckled as he stepped closer, his breath on her cheek. "And foolishly brave."

"You know, if you were going to kill me, you would of done it long ago because I'm not brave, just very bored." A smug look made its way on to her face as she watched him carefully. "Now, tell me what you've seen. How was your trip to Camelot?"

"Good for me." He answered her with a mischievous glint. "Not so good for Camelot." He waved his hand, a metal armoured glove appearing in his grasp. "A souvenir. Clean it for me, will you?"

"What is it?" She asked, wondering why it was a souvenir.

"It's a magic gauntlet with a very specific power." He stated dramatically, waving his hands mystically. "It can locate anyone's greatest weakness."

"Oh my, how ominous." Celeste teased, looking at the gauntlet in her hands. "But why do you need this? With all your power, you could destroy any foe."

"Look, if you must know, it's about manipulation." He tried to explain to her, becoming annoyed at her many questions. "And for that, you must find one's weakness. And for almost everyone, that weakness is the thing they love most. This will simply point me in the right direction."


Current times

Celeste giggled to herself when she felt a finger tip tickle her nose, awakening her from her slumber.

"Stop it." She laughed as her eyes fluttered open, finding Rumpel standing over her. Her eyes landed on the silver tray filled with foods resting beside the makeshift bed. "Oh, whoa. Breakfast in bed, huh?"

"I have a much bigger surprise coming for you." Rumpel grinned down at her as he kneeled before her.

"Bigger is an understatement." Celeste grew excited, hands reaching out to play with his hair.

"Not now." He chuckled, stroking the hair off her cheeks. "I think it's about time we had a proper honeymoon. How would you like to see a magical city called New York?"

"New York?"

"So, after breakfast, pack a suitcase." Rumpel kissed her forehead lovingly, staring deeply into her eyes. "It's time for you to see the world."

"I love you." She pulled him close, connecting their lips as she fell back on the bed, taking him with her.

He leaned his weight on one arm while his other hand explored her body, admiring every curve.

Her hands went to his hair, tugging at the roots and pulling him closer. She pulled off his jacket, fingers trailing down his chest.

"Wait, I have tea that's going cold." Celeste pulled away, glancing at the cup of tea beside her.

"And I have magic." He said mischievously, lips traveling down her neck. Her gasps filled the air, moans begging him not to stop until they were both breathless and high with extasy.

The blanket lay lazily tied around her body as she helped him re-tie his tie, hands purposely stroking his chest as he tried to fix her messy hair.

"Have fun being evil." She teased, kissing his cheek as he put his jacket back on. She sat back on the bed, sipping her tea he kept warm with magic. "But not too evil, I would at least like to come home after our honeymoon."

"Behave." He kissed her head once more before leaving her satisfied in the backroom, a smirk never leaving his lips as his shirt hid the truth of their actions.

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑳𝒀 - Rumplestiltskin [2]Where stories live. Discover now