twenty three

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23|return of an old friend

Celeste wandered over to the bookshelf in the backroom of the shop, looking over the many covers.

"I might be able to research how he got back." She informed them, knowing their gazes were sympathetic. She had gotten use to it.

"Keep your eyes out for him, too. If he comes into town, he'll come to you." Charming added, smiling at her as she glanced over her shoulder and nodded.

"I will stay here with you." Hook announced reluctantly, shocking the woman. "I'm surprisingly good at research."

"You will stay with me?" Celeste chuckled darkly at his statement causing him to give her an awkward smile.

"He'll protect you if the Witch comes." Emma explained to her, indicating it was her plan.

"You do know he tried to kill me?" She pointed an accusing finger at the pirate.

"Well, there were extenuating circumstances." Hook tried to justify himself.



"You really know how to charm a girl, don't you?" Emma scoffed at him as he gave them all his innocent smile.

"This will be my way of making it up to you." He grinned at her, trying to seem friendly. "Hmm?"

"Fine." Celeste rolled her eyes at him and went back to scanning over her books.

"All right, we should really get out into the woods." Emma announced, patting Celeste's shoulder as to tell her not to kill the pirate.

"Hey, maybe you should stay home." Charming looked at his wife, the worry evident in his eyes.

"Me? I'm the best tracker here." Snow furrowed her brows, confused by why he wanted her at home.

"I know. But we'll manage." He reassured her awkwardly. "Remember what Zelena said. You need your rest."

Celeste waved good bye to the group before stepping up on a chair, looking at the books on the higher shelf. She began to pass any useful ones to Hook to put on the desk for her.

"Uh, watch the cover on that one." She gently put it on top of the pile in his hand, noticing the loose cover.

"Dealing with a hook here." He reminded her while trying to carefully take the pile over to the desk.

They were cut off from the squabbling by loud crashing in the front part of the store. Celeste jumped off the chair and ran to the front of the store, shouting to Hook how it must be Rumpel.

Hook raised his sword as the stranger tried to barge in through the side door, being stopped by many piles of boxes. They were both shocked when they spotted Neal fall into the store.

"Neal?" Celeste fell to her knees beside him, checking for his pulse and looking over for any injuries as Hook awkwardly called the hospital.


Celeste calmly sipped her tea, sitting on the chair beside Neal's bed as he groaned, waking up from his previously unconscious state.

"Neal. You're here. What happened?" Emma questioned as she ran over, startling Celeste as she had only just called the woman.

"I don't know." He stumbled over his words, confused about everything. "I remember seeing the yellow Bug cross the town line, and next thing I know, I'm running around a forest back in Storybrooke, where, apparently, there's been a while lot going on."

"Are you gonna tell him, or shall I?" Hook looked up at Emma.

"Tell me what?"

"Neal, we think your dad's back." Charming sighed, hesitant to tell the groggy man.

"Back? I just watched him die." Neal glanced at Celeste, noticing her strange expression. "What do you mean, he's back?"

"Take it easy." Emma calmed the man when his voice began to rise. She pulled a face, grabbing his hand and looking at the strange symbol burned into his skin. "What the hell is that?"

"I have no idea." He sighed with frustration. "It was there when I woke up."

"Celeste, can you do some more research?" The saviour asked after taking a photo and sending it to the quite woman.

"Yes, sure." Celeste nodded, standing up and smiling down at the man.

"Hey, guys. Can we have a minute?" Neal questioned the group, gesturing to Emma.

Celeste nodded to everyone and walked back to the store, her head thumping as visions of a strange key flashed over her eyes. It had the same symbol as the markings on Neal's hand.

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