Chapter Two: The meeting

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It was late at night and Y/N was laying awake in bed. She had a large gathering to go too tomorrow, not only was it different civilians but there was going to be Pro Hero's there, the top ten Pro Hero's to be exact.
Yes, Y/N may had been middle and elementary school best friends with number 6 Pro Hero Mirko before she left to pursue her dreams as a hero at another high school. Which Y/N understood as she had started writing and producing songs at an earlier age than most.
She sighed as she looked at the window beside her, the night was almost pitch black, with the exception of some street lights, the moon, and the many stars illuminating the sky. It was peaceful, she wished her racing mind was that peaceful, all it did was overthink, and then overthink some more.
Y/N stared out the window for a few more seconds before just giving in and trying to sleep. After about 20 minutes of trying to fall asleep they managed to do as they wished.
The next morning Y/N slowly opened her eyes, a yawn escaping her mouth. She looked at her clock to see it was 9:30 A.M. She sighed and drug herself out of bed and two the bathroom. The Gathering was in about 2 hours so she figured it would be best if she just started getting ready then.
After about an hour and a half of getting ready Y/N was finally finished. She looked in the mirror and added a few things to her look. She had never been super confident, but she had gained some confidence over the years.
She was wearing a purple crop top with two black quarter notes on it, leather black finger gloves, some black jeans with rips on the knees, and some black heeled combat boots with silver buckles. She began to walked out of the bathroom.
"I guess your getting ready to go to that gathering thing." Kyoka said as Y/N walked into their bedroom.
"Yep, I'm actually about to leave, just before I go I'm proud of youuuu!" Y/N grinned at Kyoka.
"Thanks." Kyoka smiled, embarrassed a little bit.
Y/N walked to the door.
"I'll be back later guys bye!" Y/N told her family as she bounded out the door to her car.
Y/N drove to the location of the gathering. She walked in through the large double doors and noticed Mirko walking beside the crimson winged hero, Hawks.
"Okay, Hawks if you try to flirt with the straight men or the lesbians ONE MORE TIME I SWEAR- Oh hey Y/N!" Mirko waved at her old friend.
"Uh, hey Mirko." Y/N smiled shyly at the conversation she noticed Mirko having with Hawks.
"You two know each other?" Hawks asked puzzled at how familiar Mirko and Y/N were with each other.
"Yeah." Mirko replied.
"OooOoo is she your 'girlfriend'?" Hawks asked jokingly.
"Oh hell no!" Y/N quickly snapped at the crimsoned winged hero." We we're best friends in middle and high school! And don't get any stupid ideas!"
"Okay okay, no need to get so hostile." Hawks said a cocky smirk on his face.
I truly have the BIGGEST urge to slap that cocky smile off his face. He's just standing there smirkidy smirking!
"So your a singer right?" Hawks asked
"Yeah" Y/N looked at him, trying to reflect the same cocky energy he was giving off. Just to mention she was not succeeding.
"Well, I'm pretty sure I've heard some of yours songs before, they're pretty good songs." The crimson winged hero's wings gently flicked.
"Well, thanks." Y/N told him, she was trying to still be annoyed with him. But let's be honest here it was getting difficult.
"Hey guys." Mirko caught both of their attention." Come on we're literally standing at the entrance."

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