If they lived in the 21th century - Jobs

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Guys I can't believe this book has reached 7k reads, this is way more than it deserves *cries tears of joy* thank you to everyone who's shown love and appreciation to this fanfic <3


Todd would be a librarian because he fell in love with books when he was in high school, but who'd terrified at the idea of having to recommend books to strangers like his colleagues do. They'd regularly tease him about his social anxiety, but at the same time help him to overcome it.


Neil would become the CEO of a famous humanitarian firm helping people all over the world to get access to food, water, healthcare and education. He'd spend a lot of his time in his office or traveling to the countries where the company is taking action.


Knox would work as a barista in a popular coffee shop and read classic literature between two shifts. He'd be the type of person to pull out a quote during a conversation with his coworkers, which makes them simultaneously roll their eyes and smile. He'd also be very friendly and chatty with the customers.


Charlie would be a singer / musician in a world-famous boy band. He'd also be the lyricist of many songs and would be inspired by many of the poems he'd have read during high school literature class. Obviously, he would also have an army of fangirls drooling over him. 


Steven would become a forensic science professor at a well-known university. At the same time, he would be part of a forensic team working with the police on criminal cases.


Gerard would be into programming and spend most of his free time on a computer, typing hundreds of lines of code incomprehensible to everyone but him. He'd also hack people's devices for fun, especially the teachers and the principal's phones or computers. He would aim to be a computer systems engineer or a game programmer.

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