When he thinks you're cheating (Knox)

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hey everyone, sorry for not updating lately! I went to summer camp for several days so I wasn't able to go on Wattpad. Anyways enjoy!

"See you later, Knoxious!"

"See you later, Y/N," said your boyfriend Knox before pecking at your lips and heading off to the dorms.

You made your way to the library and, once inside, collapsed heavily on one of the benches, then pulled out your trigonometry book.

"Darn you, Hager," you grumbled between your teeth. Your teacher had just given you a dozen of exercises due two days from now, and although you knew you had enough time to do them it still felt like a chore.

After several minutes of work, a noise made you look up from your notebook. On the opposite bench, a bit to your left, a guy whom you recognized from your class was tapping his fingers against the wooden table, shaking his head and muttering swear words under his breathe that you were close enough to hear.

"Hey," you whispered, making him look up at you. "Would you mind stopping that? I can't focus. Thanks."

"Yeah, sorry," he muttered. "It's this stupid trig homework that's frustrating the hell outta me."

"Trig?" you frowned. "Do you need some help?"

"No, no, I don't want to bother you."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind. Plus it's always nicer to do homework with someone, don't you think?"

"You really won't mind?" he asked.

"Silence and get to work!" suddenly yelled Burnley, the professor in charge of watching over the library.

You smiled at your neighbor, then grabbed your stuff, got up and went to sit beside him, facing the door of the library.

"My name's Evan," he said with an apologetic smile. "Evan Crickley." He moved his black curls away from his forehead before shaking your hand.

"Y/N Y/L/N."

For the next half hour, the two of you worked quietly - you explaining to him what he didn't understand and making sure he was able to do everything on his own afterwards. You kept your voices so low that you even had a hard time hearing each other despite being seated so close, and Burnley was inflexible about the "KEEP QUIET" sign that hung threateningly on each wall of the room - which did not make things easier.

"Well, I think we've covered all of it," you whispered. "You got any other questions?"

"No - thanks, I'm all good. Thank you so much for helping me," he smiled.

"My pleasure."

He checked over his shoulder to make sure Burnley wasn't paying attention to you, then turned back towards you.

"If Hager ever says - " he frowned and imitated the math professor's voice - "Now young man, come and do the exercise at the board! I'll know what to do!"

You let out a heartfelt laugh.

"QUIET!" barked Burnley, making you roll your eyes.

"What's the matter, Y/L/N? Math class is too boring for you?" said Evan in a low voice, still imitating Hager, and you had a hard time choking back your giggles. You looked up and saw Evan smiling radiantly at you as you chuckled quietly.

What you hadn't seen, though, was Knox walking into the library but immediately getting out and closing the door behind him when he saw you laughing with Evan.

*** TIME SKIP ***

"Knoxious! Are you in there?" you called as you knocked on his dorm door.

No answer.

"I saw him going outside," said Neil as he passed by you. "He looked pretty upset, Y/N. I asked him what was wrong and he mumbled your name before walking off."

"What?" Your eyebrows creased. "Why would he - what have I done to upset him?"

"I don't know, but you should go find him. He really didn't look well."

Without hesitating, you rushed out of the building and took off running down the slope.

The wind blew against your face. At the bottom of the hills, you saw, in the distance, near the border of the forest, the town, and above it, a green tapestry of grass shining under the sunset light.

And somewhere on your right, sitting at the top of a hill, staring at the horizon, a silhouette with golden hair.

"Knox!" you cried out and doubled your speed. You only slowed down once you'd reached him, out of breathe. "Hey, Knox."

But he didn't look at you. His eyes were glued on the bright pink sky outlining the orange setting sun beyond the treetops.

"Knox." You sat next you him. "Knoxie, what's the matter?"

He nervously pulled out a stem of grass from the ground and began fiddling with it, tying it into knots then tearing off the end. His eyes carefully avoided yours. He looked like he was daydreaming - no, daynightmaring.

"I thought you loved me," he abruptly blurted out. "I thought you loved me, Y/N - "

"What on Earth are you talking about?" you frowned. "Of course I love you - "

"No, you don't," and suddenly a tear escaped his eye, rolling down his cheek. You immediately reached out to wipe it away, but he blocked your hand off.

"Why?" you asked, feeling your heart shattering. Seeing him reject you hurt you, but seeing him in this state hurt you even more.

"Because - you don't care," he choked, letting more tears out.

"Of course I do!" you cried out. Slowly, you reached for his hand, and this time he didn't pull away. With the back of his hand, he dried his face, and finally looked at you.

"I saw you with that guy at the library - why did you lie to me? Why couldn't you just - you know - tell me instead of cheating behind my back?"

"Knox, I never cheated on you. I never would. I was only helping him with trig." You moved even closer to him, feeling his jerky breathe on your upper lip. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to." Your voice had gotten softer, and you cupped his cheek with your hand.

"Knoxie, I'm really sorry." His shiny iris met yours. "I didn't realize... I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"Yes," he mumbled, and his eyes darted back to the ground. Slowly, you closed the gap between you and your lips met his. "I love you. You know that, right?"

"Yes," he whispered again, before sliding his arm around you and kissing you eagerly.

At that moment, the last ray of light hit the two of you, and the sun vanished behind the horizon.

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