Your first date

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The two of you have an evening picnic on the hills beside Welton Academy. The air is warm and there are no clouds. Just you and Todd in your little corner of the world - it feels like the perfect moment of peace you both needed after a stressful week. As you watch the sunset on the orange skies, you turn towards him and kiss him softly.


Neil takes you to see a play (obviously), which is Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare with a very modernized setting and costumes. You both tremendously enjoy it but you also make fun of the actors, and as you walk out of the theatre he sweeps you into his arms and kisses you.


Knox was really nervous about setting up a perfect date because he really liked you a lot and he did not want to make a bad impression. He asks Charlie to ask you discreetly what the perfect date would be for you, but of course Charlie spills the beans (not very accidentally) and Knox gets mad about it. In the end he decides to take you to a good restaurant he knows in town and on that special night, you find him waiting at the table with roses for you. The evening goes fantastic and when it's over, he asks you if you'd like to do it again sometime.


For your first date, Charlie decides to take you on the roof of Welton Academy. At first you think it's a joke - when you understand he is being serious, you hesitate a little because it could be dangerous. But in the end you think it's going to be fun, so you agree to go. The two of you climb out of a window and up on the roof - judging by the ease he's moving with, it's not the first time Charlie has done this. You sit with your legs dangling in the air, admiring the view of the countryside and the town below as you talk. But instead of going back down, Charlie takes you further up to a safe spot that has a flat ground. He kisses you and soon the lovefest turns into a heavy makeout session.


While he is a nerd, he also enjoys taking long breaks to do some crazy stuff. Steven takes you to a hidden place in the library - a secret room he found while exploring the school with Neil years ago. The place used to be covered in spiderwebs but since then they've cleaned it and redecorated it. There's even a chimney in which he set up a fire to keep you warm, and a comfy armchair big enough for the both of you to cuddle in, wrapped in a blanket, while sipping hot chocolate and read poetry books.


It turns out that Gerard is passionate about chess. He plays in his free time and since you've shown interest in learning some, he decides to teach you during your first date. He takes you to town to buy some food, and you play chess on a picnic table while eating your lunch.

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