i could save her life

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this chapter takes place several hours from where the last one left off. in this chapter you'll find out that josie's injury was more severe than they thought, and you'll get a little bit more information on our new villain.

Hope paced the floor, the soles of her shoes wearing down. Lizzie had started to wonder if Hope's shoes would form a hole if she kept it up.

Hope sat down, bouncing her knee rapidly, causing her foot to continuously hit the floor.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Hope jumped back up, unable to handle the noise but also unable to sit still. She went back to pacing, earning a look of pity laced with concern from Lizzie, who sat across from her.

"It was her shoulder, Lizzie. I don't understand how that got us here. It was deep, sure, but I didn't think it was that deep," Hope said, bringing her nails to her mouth, a nasty habit she'd picked up over the past few hours.

"Hope," she said, her voice low and defeated. "We've talked about this, hell even the doctor explained it to you."

"I know, I know. I just- god, Lizzie, I don't fucking understand," Hope said, bringing her hands up to her hair.

Lizzie brought her hand to her mouth, trying not to cry, her eyes still burned and her throat was still raw from the previous hours. She hated this, she hated that she couldn't help her sister, and she hated that Hope wouldn't stop pacing the goddamn floor.

"Hope, please," she said, her eyes practically begging the auburnette to breathe and sit still, even for a moment. "Calm down, okay? She wouldn't want you to burn holes into your shoes over her."

Hope rolled her eyes and gave Lizzie a small smile, knowing that she was dead serious. And right, she thought.

Hope decided she should listen to the blonde, she liked those shoes anyway and sat down across from her. Hope's mind was racing with thoughts, with fears, with confessions she still hasn't made.

Her eyes filled with tears as the thought crossed her mind, that she may never get to tell Josie how she feels. Fuck. She needs to hear it again.

"I need you to explain it one more time, please."

"Fine," Lizzie groaned, but secretly, explaining it to Hope over and over helped her stay grounded. It helped to keep her mind from wandering to those dark places in her mind that she's so familiar with.

"The knife cut her shoulder, which is obvious, and it cut her cephalic vein. Which made her lose a lot of blood," Lizzie paused, remembering as she watched helplessly as a puddle of blood formed beneath her sister.

She remembered the way her sister would twitch occasionally, causing more blood to flow. She remembered her father yelling for the nurse, she remembered watching as Hope ran out and how everyone started whispering after.


"Hmm? Oh, sorry," she said, snapping out of her thoughts. "And she lost so much blood that she went into a coma."

Lizzie looked up to the sky, silently begging whatever gods exist to help her sister. She wasn't sure they heard her, so she made a mental note to find a spell that'd make sure they did.

"Now, we're waiting while they do a blood transfusion."

Hope chuckled dryly, which she'd done every time she'd had it explained. She couldn't help it, she was just angry.

"I could heal her."

"I know."

"I could save her life, and there'd be no doubt about whether or not she'd survive this."

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