Chapter 14

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Sorry for keeping you all wait.... 🙃🙃
Sorry not sorry... 😎😎



Two days passed by....

"Yah! Get back here" Jane shouted at Jisoo who's running for her life they are in the kitchen to bake some cookies and Jisoo being her put some flour in Jane's face who was shock and starts chasing her.

Then Jisoo stop catching her breath and sat down at the couch then Jane starts tickling her "Stop! HAHAHAH" Jisoo laugh and pushing Jane but she continue tickling her then suddenly Jisoo's phone starts ringing making Jane stop and got up from Jisoo who was panting because of too much laughter.

She stood up and went to the kitchen were her phone while Jane follow her she look at the caller ID and it's says 'JENNIE'.

'Why is she calling did something happened?', She thought to herself and press the green button to answer the call she excuse herself and went to the pool side.

"Hello? Jennie?", "Unnie, I need your help", She heard Jennie sobbing, "What happened? Why are you crying?", "I accidentally tripped myself while walking up to the stairs to the dorm", "Why didn't you call oppa?", "I try but he's not responding I can't call Chaeng and Lisa because they are not here", She's telling the truth that Chaeyeong and Lisa are not there because Chaeyeong went to Australia and Lisa when to Thailand to visit their family.

"Are you still on the stairs?", "No, I asked for help with June and Bobby when they passed by me", "Okay, I'll be there just wait for me", "Okay, I'll wait", "Bye", "Bye".

Jisoo sigh and bite her bottom lips and starts walking to the kitchen and see Jane was now fixing their mess she remove her apron "I have to go" Jisoo said making Jane look at her "Why?" Jane raised her eyebrow "Jennie needs my help she trip herself in the stairs and no one will take care of her" Jisoo explained "Cannot your manager just do it?" Jane said coldly and crossed her arms.

"Jennie said she try calling him but his not answering please Jane I have to go I can't leave Jennie alone with an injury" Jisoo said "I'll come with you" Jane suggested "You can't what if someone sees you" Jisoo said "Please Jane I'll make up with you next time okay I have to go I'm sorry" Jisoo said and put the apron at the counter.

As she peck Jane lips and run upstairs to Jane's room to grab her things "You are really a bad timing sis" Jane mumbled to herself while she remove her apron and follow Jisoo.

"I'm gonna miss you" Jane said while Jisoo put her things at the back of her car "I'll contact you okay please don't be sad" Jisoo said and cup Jane cute face and kiss her lip but a long one then she pull away "Bye" She waved and starts driving away while Jane sigh and went inside her house alone 'Another lonely day', Jane thought and sat down on her couch.

At the dorm.....

"Jennie, I'm home" Jisoo said and remove her shoe "Unnie, ouch" She see Jennie who was trying to stand on the couch "Don't stand" Jisoo said Jennie obeyed her and stay still on the couch.

"Let me see" Jisoo said and sat on the floor while she hold Jennie's foot and look at it "Will go to the doctor" Jisoo said and slowly put her foot down and stood up "Is your crutches still on your room?" Jennie nodded "They are in the side of my cabinet" Jennie answered as Jisoo went to her room and look for the crutches.

"Okay one, two, three" Jisoo said while she help Jennie to stand she opened the door for her and lock it as they went to the elevator as Jisoo press the parking button.

"Careful" Jisoo said while she guide Jennie getting inside the car as she run to the driver seat and close the door and starts the engine.

Her phone suddenly rang she put her AirPods "I'll just take this call" She said to Jennie and answer it while Jennie just look at her.

"Hello?", "Did you arrive at your dorm safe?", "Yes, I am I have to take Jennie to the doctor", "When will you visit again?", "I'll try on Sunday", "Okay", "I have to go now I'm driving", "Okay, Bye", "Bye".

Jisoo hang up while smiling and Jennie blood is really boiling at anger "Can you take me to the ice cream parlor when we finish? I want ice cream" Jennie said pouting Jisoo look at her 'She's still the same', Jisoo thought "Okay" She answered softly and smiled at her as she turn her head again in the road while Jennie smiled too.


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