Chapter 13

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Harry picks up the phone and calls Alice.

Alice picks up the phone.

"Hey love, how you doing? "

"Heya, nothing much. What are you doing now? "

"Just thinking, what shall Prince Harry's girlfriend wear to a polo match? "

"Well be casual honey. It's just a normal charity match. A jeans and a shirt Or a top will be good. "

"Okay, so how did the meet with Charles go? "

"Well he had called us to share some news. He and Camilla are getting married they got permission from Granny and also it is allowed now so."

"So, how are you and William dealing with it? "

"It's good. She makes Papa happy and we always wanted him to be happy. So we are happy. And Will is the best man."

"Now that's nice. The family is growing and you and Will are happily accepting her."

"Yeah. So, how are you coming tomorrow? Shall I pick you up? "

"Ohh no need. Kate and I are going together."

"See you tomorrow then."

"Goodnight love. Sleep well bye."

The next day, Kate came to pick up Alice.

"Hey Al, William told me that you are from Berkshire. I am from there too. "

"Well, yeah ny parents still stay there and me and my brother are not on good terms with them do we rarely go there."

"Never mind Al. You can accompany me when I visit my parents. We will have fun there and you will also get to meet Pippa and James. We will have good fun."

"Surely just give me a call. When is your university holiday getting over? "

"Ohh in two weeks. And I am planning to go to a club tonight with the boys, you and some of our common friends. You will also get to meet some of them. You haven't yet right? "

"It's a great plan. After the match let's talk to them."

"Sure. Oh look we reached."

"Oh my God. They are a sea of photographers."

"Welcome to the world of being British Prince's girlfriend. It's crazy."

They both get out and the media runs towards them to get snaps. Thankfully the RPOs were there. They came to their immediate rescue and took them towards the tent. In the tent there were Charles, Camilla, William and Harry.

"Hey, look who is here my favorite girls. Camilla come."

He came and gave them both a hug. Camilla too gave Kate a hug and came to Alice.

"Oh my goodness pretty lady you must be Alice who has our Harry's heart. I am Camilla. Nice to meet you. "

"Same here maam. It's a pleasure meeting you. Harry has spoke a lot good things about you."

"Ohh just call me Camilla. Treat me as your friend just as Kate treats me. Isn't it? "

"Of course Camilla, Alice she is a sweetheart. And Camilla, Charles congratulations on the engagement. "

"Ohh thank you dear. "

"Oh my God, I seriously forgot. Charles, Camilla congratulations and have a great married life ahead."

"Ohh Alice thank you so much from both of us. Infact Camilla wanted to talk to you both about it. So please have some girl's time during the match."

"Uhmm excuse me Pa, Camilla can we meet our girlfriends?"

"Yeah Harry is right. From the time they came, they haven't even seen us. "

They all laugh.

The girls go and hug their partners. Media got the most awaited picture of Prince Harry's special girl. The clicks and the shouting increased.

"Ohh my God Harry, this is madness. How does Kate puts up with this?"

Harry kiss her forehead and says, "Well they are annoying, I know that's why I warned you. "

"Yeah you are right. But I don't regret as long as you are with me. "

"I am there always babe."

"Hello loverboy you are wanted by the team now." teased William

"Alice I have to go. You enjoy with Pa, Camilla and Kate"

"Yes all the best."

They go to play and the four of them sit together watching the game. Camilla was busy with the girls showing them her engagement ring and hearing about love story of the young couples, especially Alice and Harry as about them nothing much was known to them. Alice also shared about her strained relationship with her parents and good memories with her brother. Charles, Camilla and Kate consoled her. Media was having a field day clicking their moments and watching how much the Prince's girlfriends are happily involved with the family.

Finally, Harry and William's team won the match. They were given their gifts as the girls, Charles and Camilla cheered for them. They then came back to the tents and were given kisses from their girlfriends as rewards for their win.

"So, kids let's go now to Clarence House. We will have lunch there in order to celebrate Camilla and mine engagement."

They all leave. After lunch they all were sitting in their television room, watching, Final Destination.

" Babe, Haz, Al today let's all go out and party. It has been so many days and even Al will meet our friends. What say? "

"Good idea love. So let's keep the movie on pause and get ready."

"Yeah sure. So, whom all to call? "

"Well Harry, call the Straubenzee brothers and Jack. I will call Guy and Skippy."

"Well then I will make sure to call all of their girlfriends."

"Looks like I will meet a hell lot of people today. "

"Babe you will love them. "

"Hope they love me back too. "

"They will don't worry. "

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