Chapter 5

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The same night after Harry is little okay they were sitting cuddling on the sofa and talking about all their moments in Lesotho.

Harry:  So night is still long. What you want to do ?

Alice: Let's watch a movie if you are not sleepy?

Harry: okay so what you want to see ?

Alice: Lets watch Titanic

Harry:  Are you serious love  ? I mean each time you see Titanic you cry.

Alice:  So what I still love that movie. Now put it on and get your crazy ass back on this bed to your girlfriend son that when she cries you can comfort her.

Harry:  Oh my God! You have a plan!!

Alice: Yep! Now do it soon. Jesus Christ I can't believe I will see movie in Clarence House. The place where the future king stays and also his two sons.

Harry: And you believe that you have a prince boyfriend  ?

Alice: Poor joke Haz poor joke. I didn't even laugh.

Harry comes to her and cuddles her and says

Harry: Love you are yet to see Kensington, Balmoral and Buckhinghum.
I don't know how you will react then  ?

Alice:  Gosh I can't even imagine how shall I react when I will see the place where the queen stays and where you spent your childhood. Now let's watch movie.

Harry: William and I were talking today to take you to few places and Kensington is one of them. So we will go soon.

Alice: okay!!!

Harry and Alice cuddled with each other and started watching movie.

As the climax came as usual Alice started  sobbing. But when she turned to Harry see saw the sweetest sight. Harry was sleeping and slowly snoring.

Alice smiles and says " He looks just so cute and calm sleeping. " She kisses his forehead and decides to sleep.

At 3am in the night.

Alice wakes up to Harry murmuring.

"No no please. Don't go. Please stay with me. Please don't leave me. Don't take her please. Mummy no mummy don't go. She can't be dead no"

Alice: Harry, love what happened? Please open your eyes. Harry wake up.

But Harry remains same mumbling.

Alice gets frightened. Then she remembered that William's room is beside. She immediately went and knocked his door loudly.

William and Kate both opened the door.

Alice:  Will Harry is having a nightmare. Just come.

William and Kate run to Harry's room to see him in a terrible state.

Kate and Alice were scared. William asked them to be calm and not panic.

After 20 minutes the nightmare stopped.

Harry couldn't open his eyes because of tiredness. William made his dresses loose and made him comfortable. He was still murmuring. William sat down and caressed his hairs. A drop of tear came out of his eyes as he closed his eyes. Kate and Alice went closer.

Kate: Babe what happened? Harry... How?

William: It started 7 years back just after mummy's death. It was his birthday eve. For 15 days he didn't speak a word after mummy's death. He was just numb. His birthday eve I, Beatrice, Eugenie, Zara and Philip decided to cheer him up. That night we all were at Windsor Castle with Gran and Gramps. As usual we had a dinner and all in a room. We thought at 12 we will surprise him. But then nearly at about 10 in the night he got his first attack. We all were so scared. This is nothing as compared to what happened that night. He was immediately taken to hospital and there doctor said its because of the emotions that he has kept it inside him and it has then resulted in these continuous nightmares. He was then under medication and eventually the nightmares became less but it comes back rarely.

William squeezes his eyes watching his brother's condition. He not only feels sorry for Harry but also helpless for himself that he can't do anything for his baby brother. Harry opens his eyes and sees everyone around him. He knows what has happened. He holds on William's hand more tightly still lying on his lap. His eyes become teary and he says " It happened  again. Again the same nightmare. Again mummy inside the tunnel. They killed her. They just killed her brutally." He looks towards Will and says " She was still alive in the backseat. They took her photos. She just went away." Alice and Kate go near him. Alice hugs Harry, " Everything will be alright Harry" Kate does the same with William.

They leave Harry and Will together in the night because they know only they both can understand each other.

Kate and Alice come outside leaving those two inside.

Alice: Did Will ever say you about it?

Kate: No. Never. He talks rarely about his mother.

Alice: And Harry never talks. This is for the first time I saw him in this state. It's good that these two are there for each other.

Kate: Yeah. Let's go to Will's room. It's already night and we need to leave guys alone.

Alice:  yeah.

She goes two steps ahead and looks towards Harry's room.

Kate:  Alice what happened?

Alice:  Nothing it's just that I love Harry so much and it pains a lot to see him in this condition. Why does he have to hide so much inside of him?

Kate: I can understand Alice. William took year and a half to open up to me too. He becomes vulnerable at times which becomes unbearable for me too. But after watching Harry today I was really afraid. You know he is like my baby brother and he sees me as his big sister. And I am happy he has you. He will open up in due course.

Alice: I hope so.

They both went to other room.

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