✰ Chapter Thirty-One ✰

Start from the beginning

Twilight was too busy in her thoughts to listen to the faded voice in the background, but right when it said the name 'Adagio Dazzle' it quickly caught her attention.

Twilight ran to the couch and began to stare at the TV, which weirded Sunset out causing her to scoot a little away from her.

". . She has been accused of murdering Vignette Valencia, along with a few other students who's names have been disclosed by family members."

"What the hell." Sunset said aloud.

Twilight checked her phone, she got a lot of messages from the group chat that was made for communication purposes.

Twi: Adagio has been arrested already? You guys are fast.

Dash: we never even sent anything in💀

Twi: What?!

AJ: Yeah, this is a little weird

Twi: Sunset is still here tho and she seems freaked out by Adagio being arrested. What should I do??

Sunset glanced over at Twilight's phone and noticed a group chat. Swiftly reading over the messages, she knew something was definitely up. Her level of paranoia was starting to rise.

She went to the kitchen, quietly opening a drawer full of culinary tools. She pulled one section that was filled with knives and grabbed a sharp one. She took a deep breath and continued to walk out with it in her hand.

"Tell me what's going on because you're being so fucking sketchy." Sunset was breathing heavily, pointing the knife at Twilight.

"I don't know what you're talking about and can you put the gun down because your scaring me."

"Nah, you're scaring me. I watch too much fucking horror in my free time to notice the signs."

"What signs?!"

"Coming to my place out of the blue after you started shit with me, being all nice, trying to play with my feelings. . again, and talking to the gang in a group chat about me without me." "Do you not see the correlation or are you to fucking slow to notice?"

"You need to calm down because that's not what's happening."

"I feel like we've played through this before." Sunset walked closer towards Twilight until Twilight backed into a wall and Sunset stood a foot away. "Oh yeah, reminds me of last week when I was so desperate to tell you my side of the story. And yet, you didn't believe a single word I said, did you?"

"The gang thinks that you and Adagio are the killers."

"Twilight, don't tell me you went along with it. That's so dumb of you. Why would I torture myself?"

"You didn't lose anyone."

"You're right."

"Then why are you so worried about Adagio?"

"Because you guys left me, especially you. She's all I felt like I had. You all suck ass." Sunset dropped the knife on the floor, and kicked it under the couch. Sunset walked over and slouched on the couch, staring miserably at the tv.

At that moment, Twilight felt bad. She followed a theory only made up by her friends. She looked down at her phone and opened the group chat.

Twi: Guys, I'm pretty sure it's not her.

Dash: someone knows what we're doing💀

PP: how do u know???😰💔💔

Dash: bc Adagio was not even someone the cops wanted to look into. and the expression she had on the news looks surprised

Twi: oh.

She closed the group chat and put her phone in her pocket.

Walking over to a slumped Sunset on the verge of crying, she took a seat on the other side of the couch.

"I'm sorry." Twilight looked down at her legs and fiddled with her fingers. "I shouldn't have accused you of being involved with killings, I should have believed you when you didn't post that, and I should have trusted my gut feeling."

"It's fine I guess." Sunset stuck up a index finger at pointed it towards Twilight. "You need to stop meddling with people's lives, people's feelings, and people's friends. Now if you don't mind, the door is that way. I know you don't have 20/20 vision."

Twilight started to back away from the angry Sunset, she didn't know if Sunset really meant that or if it was just her anger issues talking.

I'm so sorry, Sunset Shimmer.

She walked to the door and opened it, to her surprised it was a dark figure standing outside. Twilight felt frozen of shock, she was so scared her body wouldn't even move back.

The figure grabbed a knife from their pocket and held Twilight close to them. They lifted up her shirt and removed the padding and threw it on the floor. They carved the letter X onto her stomach and pushed Twilight back into the wall.

Her skin began to tingle, she tried to breath correctly but it was ruined by her throat closing up from how horrified she was. She held her stomach where the carving was made.

"Twilight Dies." The killer whispered with a smile.

Sunset immediately jumped up from the couch and rushed to comfort Twilight.

"So. . Adagio isn't the. ." Twilight managed to spit out, holding tightly to Sunset's hand with her free hand. "killer."

The killer stood in the door way, away from the light. A smile so bright it would be on a Colgate toothpaste bottle. They smirked, with a gun in their hand.

"No, I am."

A/N: My bad if any of the transitions to other parts don't make sense. I accidentally deleted some parts and yeah. If you're confused about something just ask. I'll respond. Also this is rushed, myb but hopefully u get the gist. I left y'all on a cliffhanger so you can answer the LAST thinking space. Last chapter will be posted on Friday 3pm EST.

QOTC: If you checked out G5, who's a character you like so far? Tbh, I like the rainbow dash copy LOL

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