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The music blasted and the disco lights flickered. My party was sick. You heard right my party. My parents went out of town for the weekend and left me alone. Something fucked with their brains to make them retardedly ill.

The doorbell wouldn't stop ringing and teens kept coming in.

"AYYYYEE!!!" Michael screamed.

I sat at the island table where the drinks where being served.

I don't know how much I drank to be honest.

"Lucas!!" I heard someone scream.

I looked around aimlessly and saw Calum.

"I missed you" He said softly smiling.

"We- just saw each other yesterday!" My eyes went wonky.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I blinked slowly.

"Give us some shots!!" I yelled.

"You don't have to yell I'm right here" William growled.

He pushed out a tray of shots. I turned to Calum and he shook his head.

"I don't drink" He acknowledged.

"My dad says that too, but he still beats the crap out my mom" I started gulping down the alcohol.

"Your dad beats your mom?" Calum asked hurt.

"Calum...have fun! Drink a little bit!!" I screamed.


"Please? For me?" I pouted.

"Okay" He smiled. We started going at the shots non stop.

After 20 minutes we were gone.

"Hayyy! C-Caluuumm!!" I drowsed.

"Whuuaat?" He goofily smiled.

"Leettsss takee thiass somewhere elseeeaa"

"Liak in a rooumm?"

"Yeah, butthead bankss"

"Hagshdjdhaha..youi funnayy Luass"

"What's a luass??"

"I don't know! What's a butt?"

I grabbed Calum's hand and went up to my room.

I closed and locked the door.

"Sor, whuat nowa?" He was barely speaking English.

I pushed him against the wall.

I pressed my lips hardly on his. He quickly responded, and slowly put his hands in my hair.

I tightly gripped his waist, and deepened the kiss.

Our lips roughly moved together. I didn't want to pull away to get air either. No fucking way.

I began to un-button his shirt. I left his lips to kiss his neck.

"NOAAA!! Kiss mah agaaiinnn!!" He ordered.

I smirked and put my lips on his again.

A moan escaped him, and he kissed me back.

We heard a loud knock on the door.

When I separated to Calum to open the door, I saw Michael and Ashton.

"Whatt??!!" I yelled.

"What were you guys doing?" Michael asked.

Bad boy from hell *Cake au**》Where stories live. Discover now